Chapter 8:why do you care?

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A man was walking through the streets of kuoh with a large smile on his face.

A man was walking through the streets of kuoh with a large smile on his face

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???:This town's usefulness has come to an end.

The man pulled out a certain Gaia memory.

Which he threw into the air the Gaia memory flew back like a boomerang and inserted itself into the man's forehead

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Which he threw into the air the Gaia memory flew back like a boomerang and inserted itself into the man's forehead.

???:Oh yes!

The man's eyes glowed white as a small tornado formed around him which caused any nearby civilians to run away screaming as the man began to be covered in light.Once the light died down the man had transformed.

The dopant created a massive hurricane which sucked up debris as well as any loose items off the ground

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The dopant created a massive hurricane which sucked up debris as well as any loose items off the ground.As the dopant was about to launch the hurricane at a nearby building he suddenly felt his energy being drained.The dopant looked forward to see Saji using his sacred gear as well as the rest of Sona's peerage.

Dopant:So you pests continue to believe you have power.

Sona's knight Toemoe charged at the dopant only to be launched back by a sudden gust of wind however she was caught out of the air by Sona's rook tsubasa.Sona launched a number of water serpents at the dopant however the serpents were frozen in the air.The dopant fired a bolt of lightning out of his hands at the devils however Tsubaki moved in front of them and used her sacred gear to reflect the lightning back at the dopant.

Dopant:Grrrr. alright I'll admit you caught me off guard.

The dopant created a ring of clouds around the devils.

Sona:W-what the?!

Multiple bolts of lightning struck all of the devils knocking them all out.

Dopants:Pests as expected.

As the dopant prepared to finish off  the Sitri peerage he was blasted in the back my lightning magic.The dopant turned to see the gremory peerage minus Asia running at him.


Y/n was still attempting Shroud's trial, the women in question was looking at a stopwatch with Asia standing next to her.As y/n finished another attempt he was electrocuted again however he still didn't hesitate to begin his next attempt which also ended in failure.

Asia:Why must he still do this?

Shroud:He doesn't HAVE to do this but yet he still tries regardless of any pain.

As y/n finished his 30th attempt he was electrocuted again but this time he ended up falling off the dirt bike.He grabbed the handlebars to try and pull himself up but he couldn't as he saw asia was holding onto him crying.

Asia:Please stop this!

Y/n:.......why do you care?

Y/n ignored her and continued to try pull himself up but ended completely falling.

Asia:Why can't you just take a break?!


Asia noticed much to her surprise that y/n had started crying.

Y/n:I lost my family the only people I love and the man responsible is still out causing more death and destruction.This is all I have left
ALL THATS LEFT FOR ME IS TO CHASE THAT MAN and I can't even do that.

At that moment y/n for the first time felt like he couldn't continue, his entire body was in pain, the man he spent so long hunting was about to get away and y/n didn't even have the strength to pull himself up.
He had nothing left.Y/n closed his eyes and continued crying not knowing what else to do.

Until he felt a warm feeling all over his body.
Y/n looked up to see Asia using her sacred gear to heal him now with a determined look on her face.

Asia:Not long ago I wasn't very different from how you are now.I didn't have anyone I could turn to and I felt like I had no reason to keep going...........until I made a friend.He's really nice and he wanted to save me despite any danger to're so alone and LET ME BE YOUR FRIEND Y/n!

Y/n was stunned he didn't think the little nun would act like this.Hedidn't know what to say for a moment.He hadn't had someone like this around him in a long time.


Shroud:Sorry to break up your little moment but it seems the man with the weather memory is currently trying to destroy to whole town.

Y/n: What?!

The now revitalised y/n got up and looked towards the town then back at the dirt bike next to him.He picked up the dirt bike and attempted the trial one last time.
Now he felt different as if he knew he would succeed.Y/n finished the three laps before quickly bracing himself to be shocked however this time there was no shock.Shroud made a smirk before throwing her stopwatch to Asia as she approached y/n.

Shroud:Congratulations y/n.I now know you'll be able to control this power.

Shroud held up her hand as a new Gaia memory appeared in it.

Shroud held up her hand as a new Gaia memory appeared in it

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Shroud:Now go!

Y/n sprinted away towards the town of kuoh.
Asia looked at the stopwatch shroud had given her and her heart dropped.The time displayed was 10.7 seconds, y/n didn't really pass the test.Asia looked up at shroud only to find that the woman had disappeared in her place was a letter that asia picked up , it was for y/n.
Asia began to run after y/n.

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