xvii - The case

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Standing on the curb I watched Tyler's car drive off. The smile on my face had no intention of falling off and my heart felt light because of the happiness. I couldn't understand at that moment what was it that was making me so happy. I wasn't even aware that I was happy.

Walking through the door I entered the dark house. Suddenly realizing how late it was. I was not expecting anyone at this hour, so when the lamp lit up beside the couch, I shrieked.  My hand was over my erratic beating heart and my eyes widely staring at Vernon's face which was illuminated by the lamplight.

"I didn't mean to startle you." Vernon apologized with his expressionless face. I took a moment to compose myself before nodding at him. "Why are you back so late?" He asked. "Were you waiting for me?" I asked, confused. "My mother was." He replied after a short pause. "I sent her off to bed and stayed here to let you know that you are to contact home and let her know if you are coming in late," Vernon added in one breath, his voice rising by the end. 

Was he mad at me because I troubled his mother? That's the only reason I could come up for her anger. He, of course, didn't care about me. "She was worried." He added, his voice back to neutral. "I'll keep that in mind," I replied, still confused at the whole conversation. Vernon just gave a nod and walked upstairs back into his room.

I turned the lamp off on my way to my room. I couldn't be bothered to turn on the lights or do anything for that matter. I just wanted to lay on my bed. A long, heavy sigh escaped me when my back touched the soft mattress. All the fatigue came rushing back to me and my feet began to tingle painfully. As I was resting on the bed, there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I mumbled after forcing myself to sit up. Gia entered the room with a tray and turned on the lights. "You look so tired." She said with a look of concern. "Here, I got you some tea," Gia added while handing me the steaming hot cup. I didn't have the strength to mumble thanks so I just gave her a weak smile. The warm drink melted away the fatigue and calmed my muscles as it trickled down my throat. 

Suddenly Gia grabbed my legs which made me look at her in surprise. "You're feet must be sore." She said and dipped her fingers in a bowl beside her before touching my feet with the warm oil lacing her fingers. The feeling was too good to complain. Leaning back I sipped on the tea while Gia massaged my sore feet. "Did you find a new job?" Gia asked after a moment of silence. I shook my head and exhaled in stress. I need to find a job as soon as possible. I have signed up on all possible sites for the job hunt and have called the people who posted ads in the newspaper but got no response. Either my qualification didn't fit or my pregnancy was an issue as they couldn't afford to teach me something new and then have me take maternity leave. I was trying very hard to not let the stress be evident but it was. I was worried for my baby's future, my future. The money that I make from Tyler is just enough to buy me food and pay the rent.

"Ella?" Gia called out loudly to grab my attention. "Why don't you take Vernon Sir's offer? It will make things easy for you." She suggested. It was an option I had no intentions of taking, but I couldn't tell her that so I just smiled in response. Gia took the cup and helped me clean up before leaving me alone in the room. I was tired mentally and physically so sleep came soon but my phone rang when I was about to pass out.

Groaning in irritation I answered the call and heard a groggy Sean greeting me from the other side. "You know what the time is?" I asked. "I just came back. I have taken two days' leave, want to spend it here?" He asked. I thought for a moment. I would give anything to get away from this tense situation with Vernon and Victoria so I immediately said yes.

When the birds chirped outside my window, I was out of the shower dressed in fresh clothes. The tiredness from last night was washed away. I went to the dining table to find Stephanie already there enjoying a talk with Gia. "Good morning!" We greeted each other. "Vernon?" I asked. "He left early," Gia answered while serving me my breakfast. By now I was used to Gia serving me food. She has now become an elder sister of mine. Suddenly, I remembered my conversation with Vernon last night and I looked at Stephanie. "I'm sorry I didn't inform you about last night," I said. Stephanie looked at me in confusion. "What about last night?" She asked. "Me being late," I answered. Didn't Vernon say that Stephanie was worried for me? "Ella, you pay to live in this house. Even though I care for you, you are not obliged to inform me about your whereabouts." She said with a chuckle. I frowned and continued to eat my breakfast while thinking about why Vernon said what he said last night. If it wasn't Stephanie who was worried, then who was?

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