xix - Truth

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My eyes found the sleek black car of Vernon's. He was standing outside, his back turned to me. With an unaware smile on my face, I started making my way towards him. Stopping behind Vernon, I patted his shoulder to get his attention.

When our eyes met, my stomach started doing that 'thing' again. The thing people call 'butterflies'. His eyes took me back to the eve of the new year. The passion, the love that I felt at that moment. It all made me aware of the huge emptiness in my life. It was painful to realize that I won't be able to experience that kind of love anymore.

"Ella?" Vernon called out my name. "You zoned out again." He commented with a chuckle. I mumbled an apology and looked away from him in a failed attempt to hide my flushed cheeks. "Let's go home." He said and opened the backdoor of the car for me. I nodded in gratitude and got in the car.

There were two men in the front which made me frown. Noticing that, Vernon said, "He is Eric, my bodyguard."

I looked at the man occupying the passenger seat. He looked at me and gave me a curt nod. My eyes widened a little as I took in his sharp jaw and dark hooded eyes. Eric was the most handsome bodyguard I have seen.

"This is my driver, Vinod." Vernon introduced. I looked at Vinod and gave him a nod as well. "Let's go home," Vernon said and Vinod started the car.

"Why did Sean ask you to pick me?" I asked.

"We ran into the cafe near his house. He asked me if I was going home." Vernon answered. "He said he was busy with a case and didn't want to leave you alone." He added. "I was there for a meeting," Vernon added after a short moment of silence.

I frowned at his explanation. "Okay.." I trailed awkwardly.

Removing my buzzing device, I smiled at the contact before answering. "Where are you?" Sean asked.

"In Mr.Morris's car. He is taking me home." I answered and glanced at the said person.

"Okay. Call me when you reach home." Sean answered, seeming unattentive.

I disconnected the call after humming an answer and went back to gazing outside the window.

I had been in cars countless times but this time I was suddenly aware of everything. Although my eyes were on the passing sight, my mind was wondering if I was sitting properly, are my thighs looking huge? Is my double chin visible?

I was so conscious of my appearance that I was even breathing cautiously. My stomach was still having that annoying 'thing' moving around that I felt like jumping out of the car but at the same time I wanted this car ride to last longer. My thoughts were making no sense to me right now and the musky scent of his cologne wasn't helping either.

He was so close to me.

The father of my child was so close to me.

Yet he was so far.

My hand reached over my protruding belly and sighed.

"Are you okay?" Vernon asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine," I replied habitually.

"How is your baby doing?" He asked. I couldn't help but look at him. The genuine curiosity and concern in his eyes were so endearing. I wondered how his eyes would look when he learns that the baby I'm carrying is his.

I wanted to tell him at that moment that it wasn't just my baby, it's ours. But what good will it do? He was already with someone else, someone who lied to him. If he can be fooled by that lie, it clearly meant it didn't mean so much to him as he claimed. If it did, he should've figured it out by now that Victoria was not the woman he shared that night with.

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