vi - new beginnings

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Cold wind caressed my skin assuring me that this day will be a good one. I wanted the believe it and so I did. The warmth of the hot coffee mug resting between my palms gave me a sense of comfort as I looked outside the window down on the busy streets. People were hustling by with their bags probably stuffed with papers and a laptop, while someone people leisurely walked on the sidewalk sipping on their coffee. I crave for that kind of life, a simple and normal life. I wish to work in corporate office with a dozen of colleagues or probably have one or two affairs. I chuckled at that thought before drinking the coffee.

"What are you laughing about?" Sean asked me as he entered the leaving room with a coffee mug of his own. "Imagining my life in a corporate office. Having affairs and doing gossips." I answered with another chuckle. "Oh! I can totally imagine that." Sean joked along. "Why don't you try though?" He asked in seriousness. "I am just a graduate from school, Sean." I stated the obvious. "Plus I have to keep moving." I added with a grim expression. 

"Why do you keep running away? Maybe your past is no longer chasing you." Sean said with a shrug. "Maybe, but I don't want to stay and find out." I answered and raised my hand to stop him before he could say anything. "You must be late for work." I pointed out at the clock. His eyes widened seeing the time and left mumbling curses under his breath. 

I chuckled watching him and went over to wash the dishes before going to my room. The past weekend I spent with Sean moving around the town and exploring it was calming to say the least. This was going to be his new home so he wanted to look around and asked me to tag along which I did because I had no intentions of staying alone. It was fun, we left in the morning and returned late night which was why I was tired and would soon fall asleep. I didn't get the time to think about things that would no doubt make me sad but now I had to. I can't stay here with Sean for long. I had to find an accomodation for myself, so that's why I was now on my bed with latest newspapers that held the prints of advertising for houses on rent. I counted up my savings and started finding a place that I can afford. Although I need a job and a house, I figured I can delay looking for a job until I would find a place to stay.

Bidding goodbye to Sean I got dressed in jeans and a loose sky blue button up which I roughly tucked in. Wearing my brown sandals I left the apartment with a bag over my shoulder to check out the circled places on the newspaper. 

Hailing a cab I visited the places but nothing appealed me. If it was just for me I would've taken up the most cheapest place available but I would be staying there for atleast a year, it would be a place where I will welcome my child so I needed it to atleast be decent. The one that I liked I couldn't get it because the owners weren't ready to give their place to a single mother which made me roll my eyes. I quitely left that place and went to the nearest diner to have my lunch. 

I ordered a nice meal of double turkey sandwich and a milkshake. As I sat there waiting for my order I scrolled through my new phone that Sean gifted me. I had left my previous phone in my locker back at the Royale so nobody could trace me back here. I was looking for some more places online when one offer caught my eye. 

"A Paying Guest?" I asked in a mumbled as I read further into the advertisement. It was a bit far but I could easily hail a cab and reach there, there was a number mentioned so I decided to call first, not wanting to waste any money on my taxi. 

The line rang and was answered in about the third one "Hello?" I asked. "Pearl House!" A feminine voice said. "Hi! My name is Ella. I just read your advertisement about wanting a paying guest. Is the offer still open?" I asked. "Yes Ella, the offer is still open." The voice answered warmly. "Can I come down for a visit?" I asked. "Sure, we will be waiting. If you need help with the directions please feel free to call." The voice said. I exchanged my goodbyes. For some unknown reason I had a positive feeling about this place so I had my meal with a light heart. 

Exiting the cafe I walked for few minutes to help digest my food as well as loosen up my leg muscles as for the entire day I was mostly sitting which caused my muscles to cramp. 

The music played gently in my ears and the cold wind brushed my skin lovingly while the sun moved towards the horizon to set for the day. I hailed a cab down the road and sat listening to music while the driver drove me to my possibly new home. After a relaxing thirty minutes ride, the vehicle stopped. I paid for my ride and got off of it. 

The site in front of me made my eyes wide for a moment. The house was the most beautiful piece of architecture I've got the pleasure to see. If I thought Victoria's house was modern and chic, this was nothing compared to that. My will to wanting to be able to call this place home grew stronger. Clasping my hand over the strap of my bag, I moved my feet forward. I gave my name to the security guard who made a call and let me in. 

Walking on the paved stone path I looked at the lawn in front of the house. It looked like every piece of grass was cut to the same size carefully. The absence of tons of flower plants made me smile. Although I love flowers, being in constant presence with them made my nose itch. I stood on the front porch and ran my fingers through my hair before looking down at my attire. It wasn't the best, but it was the best I had. I strongly believed in the fact of first impressions. 

My stomach was flipping in nervousness as I wondered what kind of questions will the owner ask me, will I be able to answer them properly and most importantly, what will be the rent?

Shaking my head I took a deep breath. "You can do this." I mumbled to myself encouragingly and rang the doorbell which was immediately answered. 


Hey guys!
How are you all today? I apologise for the wait but the situation turned out to be like that. I'll update soon.

Also I have updated the cast for the story. Do check it out and let me know how you feel about it

Sending love from my heart to yours,

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