xi - tyler

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One week passed by a blink of an eye. During the week I spent my time exploring the house with Gia's help and getting to know the two. Now that her kids had all grown up Stephanie had nothing else to do. She wanted to go out and do something but her husband wanted her to stay at home. His mentality was that either one of the parents should be available for their children at all times and that also went on after the kids were no longer kids. So Stephanie decided to rent out a room in the house so she could finally have some company in the big house. 

I also learned a lot about Gia. She was an immigrant from Africa and her family was out doing small labor work with daily wages. So when Gia got a job here as a maid with accommodation and an amount that can feed her family well and pay her sibling's tuition, she took the offer. Gia is a student herself. After being here she discovered her love for cooking so she was studying culinary and aspired to become a successful chef. That's when I realized why Gia and Stephanie were always together in the kitchen. Not that I complained, I get to try delicious and new dishes every day.

We three have different reasons but have the same problem, loneliness and now after me, it seemed like we three don't feel so lonely anymore. 

"Ella!" Stephanie called me from the kitchen. "Coming!" I yelled back while grabbing my bag and walking out of my room. "Breakfast," Gia mumbled as she served me and Stephanie. "You have the doctor's appointment today." Stephanie reminded me. As decided before after I get a job I was supposed to look for a gynecologist but most of them were expensive. The woman next to me decided to then step in. Her family doctor runs a charity in which she provides free consultation to pregnant women but I didn't like that so after negotiation, the doctor decided to take half the price which was reasonable for me. "Yes, I spoke to Ellis. I'll be there." I replied. "Good. Remember you have to come home early for today's dinner." She said. For a moment I was confused, thinking what was she talking about. Then I remembered, her son and his girlfriend were coming tonight for dinner. "Of course I remember." I lied with a grin to which she nodded, knowing well I had forgotten. We ate our breakfast together before I left for the café. 

The weather today was bright again. Sun shined upon me as I walked down the paved path towards the café. Luckily it was just about a ten-minute walk so I would get some exercise and extra expense of transportation was being saved. 

"Good morning!" Ellis was the first one to greet me with that joyful voice of his. "Good morning!" I greeted back with a chuckle. I couldn't help it, his enthusiasm at such an early hour is humorous. "I'll go to meet Susan," I informed him while walking towards the kitchen. I saw the two men who had replaced Ellis and Susan's grandchildren in the kitchen working on the orders while Susan was yet again in the back, near the fireplace kneading dough. I greeted her which grabbed her attention. Seeing me, Susan greeted me back with a huge smile.

"Did you like the pie I sent yesterday?" Susan asked me as I kept my bag and grabbed an apron to put on. Even though I was mainly on the counter I was asked to wear an apron to protect my clothes from flour and sauces that are often being kept moving around the café.

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