x - the cafe

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The weather was humid. Luckily I had worn a white cotton dress that ended by my knees. Gia was kind enough to lend me proper shoes telling me how my legs will be swollen after I walk too much in the sneakers that I own.

I removed the small piece of paper on which Stephanie had written the bus number and time which will help me go to my destination. So far I had three places circled in my newspaper and the places were far from each other. 

I took my first bus and sat listening to music while the vehicle drove. It took me around twenty minutes to reach which were honestly so dreadful. I almost fell asleep and missed my stop. I looked at the building in front of me that I was supposed to give my interview in.

"Grace!" I mumbled reading the beautiful wording in cursive. The hotel in front of me was around 30 storey and gigantic. I walked into the hotel and was guided towards the back door instead. The lady who had guided me in, made me sit on a velvet couch that was outside a cabin. Keeping the bag on my lap I looked at the long hallway that I just came from. The walls were painted in a contrast of peach and white and was shining in yellow light emitted by small bulbs. Beside me, two other ladies were sitting probably for the interview as well. Exhaling I leaned back to rest my back on the couch.

Time passed by but the call for an interview never came. The two ladies who were beside me left after an hour of waiting but I was still there, waiting. The lady who escorted me earlier suddenly walked down the hallway towards me. Hope-filled me straightened my back. "Where are the other two girls?" She asked with a frown. "They left." I simply answered. The woman rolled her eyes and checked the notebook that she was holding. "You are?" She asked, her eyes still running over the pages. "Ella Meyers!" I replied. "Go inside." She said after a few moment and went back to where she came from. 

After two hours of wait, this is how you treat people? No apology or anything. I don't think I'll be enjoying working here but I do need this job. Calming myself I walked over to the cabin where my interview will take place. Knocking the door I walked inside.

The room was spacious but quite small from the cabin of my previous hotel. The room was cluttered with files, paper and stationery supplies. Clearly the person has no sense of cleanliness. "Ella Meyers?" The bald man sitting on the chair behind the table asked. "Yes!" I replied and walked over towards the two chairs placed in front of him. "Take a seat." He said. His eyes were reading the papers placed in front of him by the help of glasses. Finally, he kept the file away and looked over at me. 

For a moment he just stared. Suddenly I became conscious of my breath. I could feel my chest rise and fall, the hair on my skin standing up as I started to feel uncomfortable under his gaze. "Sir?" I asked to snap him out of whatever daze he was in. "Yes!" He responded and leaned back on his chair. "Can I see your documents?" He asked. Mumbling a response I handed him the file. He asked me a few basic questions to which I replied in truth mixed with a bunch of lies. 

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