vii - paying guest

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"Hello! I'm Ella, I contacted you earlier." I said with a smile on my face. "Ella! Yes, please do come in." The woman said in recognition as she moved aside and let me step inside the house. From the outside I knew the house would be amazing but nothing could've prepared me for what my eyes fell upon as I walked further inside the house.

The land beneath me had a beautiful wooden flooring and it reflected the same on the ceiling. A unique chandelier with bulbs hung from it over a set of couch and armchair that was placed in front of an extinguished fireplace. A flat-screen TV was placed on the wall above the fireplace. The colour theme of brown and complimentary light colours made the home give a cozy feeling. Seeing the place made me smile.

"This way Ms. Ella." The woman who opened the door for me said. I followed her to the couch and she made me sit on it. Later she disappeared up the stairs that was on my right and left me alone there. My wandering eyes resumed their work and began looking around again. The place was modern, minimalist and chic just the way I like it but that also meant that the pay might be high. I have never tried as a paying guest before so I didn't know the rules or how the pay actually worked but I just hoped it might fit just into my budget.

Another thing that I need to think about is the privacy. If the pay is similiar to one as the rent of a small sized apartment then I might have to think over. I can't involve so many people into my lives but also I can't ignore the fact that I am pregnant. I know nothing about pregnancy, what if I do something wrong? I can't have that either. There was just too much to think for.

The clank of sandals made me look up. The woman from earlier had now returned but with a tray in her hand. A glass of water she carried on it and placed it on the oak wooden coffee table in front of me. "Please have some water." She said. I smiled thankfully at her and picked up the glass. As I sipped on the sweet mineral water I looked at the woman. She seemed to be about my age, maybe a little older. Her beautiful dark hair was tied up in a sleek bun while her caramel skin shined under the golden emitted light by the setting sun. The view was just spectacular, the view of the setting sun.

On my left there were huge glass door that led to the garden outside that I can see from where I sat. The sky was covered in a orange hue with a splash of yellow as the sun was setting behind the horizon. "Sorry to keep you waiting." A feminine voice called out to me. I looked to my right now where a woman was descending the stairs. "It's alright." I said as I stood up on my feet and kept the glass back on the table.

The woman dressed in simple clothing of cotton pants and a shirt walked near me with a warm smile on her beautifully aged face. "Please have a seat." She said while sitting herself opposite me. "I'm Stephanie." She introduced. "I'm Ella Meyers." I spoke, mirroring her small smile. "Ella yes, Gianna told me about your interest in being our paying guest." She spoke. I looked at the woman who earlier welcomed me in, learning now that her name was Gianna.

" I would like to ask you some questions first. Although this questions are to assure me that you are not some serial killer or a spy, you can choose to not answer them if you feel uncomfortable." Stephanie added. "It's fine, please ask me anything you want." I replied to which she gave me a nod. I was nervous and hoped she would ask the questions that I feel comfortable in.

"First of all I would like to know why are you looking for a place to stay? And why being a paying guest and not a rental place?" Stephanie leaned back on the couch, her light eyes analyzing my every move.

"I live alone and I like moving around. I had to however loose my earlier place because my lease expired. I am looking for properties for rental apartments but I figured I would give being a paying guest a try as I'm currently at a stage in life that I need support from people." I answered truthfully but using words that would simplify it.


"I'm pregnant!" I informed. "Single mother!" Stephanie exclaimed in realisation. If I was right, her warm smile seem to widen just a little with that piece of information which I took as a positive note.

"The father?" She asked which made me blush in embarrassment. "It was a drunken mistake." I replied, there goes down my chance of having the place. "You don't seem like a wild person to me." Stephanie commented. "I am not. My friend forced me to this party. It was my first party." I answered with an embarassing chuckle. My eyes moved to the Stephanie when I heard her chuckle too. "This generation." She mumbled with a shake of her head.

"What about your family?"

"I don't have any."

"I'm sorry." She said but I just gave her small smile in return. What was I suppose to say? I had lost a family I never had.

"You are employed?" Stephanie asked after a moment of silence that was oddly not awkward at all.

"I was, since I moved now I have to look for job."

"How will you pay for the room then?"

"I have enough savings to last me until my paycheck." I answered.

"Okay." She mumbled and thought for a moment before looking back at me. "Why don't you write down your name, current address and number for me? I'll call you when I reach a decision." She said sliding me a writing pad and a pen. "Sure." I said picking it up. Scribbling the things Stephanie asked me for I stood up. "Thankyou for visiting." She said while walking me towards the door. "Thankyou you having me." I replied. Giving a last goodbye smile, I left the property and hailed a cab.

I felt good as I sat in the backseat of the cab and stared out at the sky that was getting darker by the second. My lips had a smile that I wasn't even aware of. Suddenly I remembered Sean and removed my phone to call him but ended up chuckling because my phone was already buzzing with his name on the screen.

"Hey!" I answered the call.

"Where are you?" Sean asked in a peppy voice. "In the cab, coming back." I replied. "I'm sending you an address of a diner. Come here. Let's have dinner together." He said. I mumbled an okay and upon receiving the address I asked the can driver to drop me there.


I hope you guys are enjoying the story!

I have a question for you. Is this length of a chapter play for you guys? Should I lengthen it more or continue with the same?

Have a wonderful day ahead.

From my heart to yours,

The Paying GuestWhere stories live. Discover now