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Damian nuzzled his face into the crook of Raven's neck. He took in her fragrance lavender. Raven's hand stroked through his hair tenderly he groaned happily he loved it when she did that

It was a cold Sunday. No crimes no nothing. So, the two lovebirds took that as an opportunity to cuddle each other all day long.

So, here they were in Damian's room cuddling on his bed. "Beloved," Damian asked. "Yes, Damie?" She asked. "I love you so much," he said pressing a kiss to her cheek." I love you more" Raven said with a smile on her face

Damian pulled away slightly "No, I love you morer". Raven stared into his emerald eyes and giggled a little.

" I love you mostest, "Raven said. Damian cupped her face "I love you more than anything else in this universe" Raven smiled tenderly

"Fine, you win". Damian smiled and started pressing soft kisses on her neck. He looked and kissed her passionately

A\N I know this is short but this is my first time so I will try my best if there are any mistakes inform me pls and one more if you have ANY REQUESTS, message me I will do them for any of you guys

Love ya

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