Chapter 1: The beginning: Part 1

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POV: YOUR point of view

Okay, where do we begin?

It all started in school. During class, your friend turns to you and starts a conversation that you never knew would change your life. A conversation on a topic you would soon never get out of your head. It was about....


You, knowing that time goes by way too fast. Eurovision was already tonight. "And what about it?"

"Its today! Everybody is talking about it! Do you believe our country will go to finals?"

I don't know, I actually don't give a shit about this competition.

"No idea, probably"

"Who do you think will win? I believe Serbia will." They say.

"I don't know Agnes, I do not keep up with that stuff."

You want to end this conversation so badly. All of the murmuring sounds from the class start to get to your head. Just want to get home so badly. Imagine being in bed, doing nothing. Something that was way out of reach right know. Before you start leaning your head on your desk, drifting away, the bell rings.

Leaving your desk and annoying friend behind, you walk towards your locker. Knowing a crowd of people will swarm over any minute, you run over, getting all your stuff quickly, and you rush out of school.

Feeling the warm air against you skin, hair flaring back, giving you a slightly free feeling, even though you have menacing thoughts in the back of your head. You actually do not seem to be looking forward to the weekend, because it hits you in the face just like Monday morning. Another weekend spent alone, doing nothing. But the image you had in your head earlier during class does come to life-something that you wouldn't complain about.

Arriving home, you throw off all of your jackets, bags and backpacks. Some weight coming of you physically. You turn to your bed and throw yourself on it. Feeling the soft covers against your skin, being all warm from rushing home so fast. This feeling makes you feel safe. It makes you feel at home. Slightly you drift away, thinking about how nice it would be to stay here forever.

"Shit." You overslept 2 hours. Outside it's quite dark. Dark enough to see your own reflection.

Your reflection. You look tired. Worn out. Like you don't have a life.

"What am I doing with my life?"

That's a weird question to ask yourself when you just woke up due to lack of sleep, and even more weirder when you actually have a lot to do, you just tend not to grab life by the leg and pull it up to your level.

You walk towards the kitchen, in the search for dinner. Looking at the clock on the oven.

Oh, its way late.

Grabbing a Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream from the freezer, you sit in the couch and turn on the tv. Scrolling through all of the channels, you stop scrolling for a second, its the show you talked about earlier.


You, having nothing better to do or watch, you stay on the channel, and watch the show.

All of the participants suck pretty bad. There is no song that has really caught your eye. Malta was okay, but no song that you would actually listen to on free will.

Before switching channels, you tell yourself to listen to one more song before giving up.

Next one was number 24. Italy.

You do not have high hopes for Italy. Not knowing much about this competition, but you knew for a fact that Italy has not won many times. This song up next will be a disapointment.

During the introduction of the number, they show a group of people, it must be a band. Not seeing the participants clearly, you feel quite hopeless. Right before you grab the remote control, the band finally gets on stage. They get introduced as the name "Måneskin", performing the song "Zitti E Buoni", the definition being quiet and good, you realize because of your small Italian knowledge.

It sounded cool. You decide to watch the performance.

The screen and the room turns all black. You waiting intensely, just for a dumb performance.

The band opens up and starts performing. A groovy sound of Rock n' Roll becomes louder and louder. Then, a strong voice starts singing in Italian.

"Loro non sanno di che parlo,

Voi siete sporchi, fra', di fango

Giallo di siga fra le dita..."

The voice seems to be coming from a man, a young man with a great and powerful voice, which fits very well with the style the song beholds. But then, the camera focuses on him, with his band behind him.

The camera turns around. One girl, playing the bass. Her style is very 70s. She has long hair, with bangs, which suits her very well. A very cool 70s hippie.

Besides her, there is a man who has long blond and curly hair, playing the electric guitar, very aggressively. And behind them, there is a drummer, with long black hair.

Then, you look at the lead-performer, the band singer.

He had jet black hair, slicked back, looking wet, like he just smeared a bunch of hair wax all over it.

His eyes, having a lot of makeup on them. Dark eyeshadow on his eyelids, and under his eyes, looking very alternative.

His cheekbones and jawline, being extremely sharp. You believe that you have never seen such sharp lines. Them being defined very clearly, makes you sit on your couch, perplexed. Not knowing what to do.

He and the rest of his band members are dressed in wine red outfits made of leather. The men wearing pants with straps on their topless bodies. The lead singer having a large tattoo across his collarbone. You examine it closely and see the words:

"Il ballo della vita"

The dance of life.

The whole band is great. The song, the clothes, the members. You sit there, watching TV as if you where in a trance. Eurovision maybe wasn't so bad after all. Maybe all the hype it got was for a reason. All of a sudden, Rock N' Roll was your favorite genre of music. And now, black haired men with eye makeup was your weakness.

Agnes, I think I know who will win.

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