Chapter 13: The Escape: Part 2

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From the moment you hit someone with a vehicle. From the moment you are the reason for someones physical pain. From the moment you killed someone, is when it all stops.

Everything inside of you turns inside out when the noise of death reaches your ears. The thud it made was nerve-racking, not only for you, but for everyone. Not only from the inside of the car. Some part you have left behind, that part of you who doesn't kill people, the innocent part of you that's so fragile that it would never do such a thing, is also dead. You killed it too.

The car goes silent along with you all in it. You just sit there and stare, before the loud silent breaks.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Still not trusting this shit before we leave the country or something" Thomas says.

You turn around and look at him right in the eyes.

"I just killed someone." You say, going numb. Words who where possible for you to say, but never actually mean it.

Damiano puts his hand on your shoulder.

"That was....FUCKING EPIC" He yells out.

You sit there in confusion. At least you're thinking about his reaction more than what you've done, at least.

"I fucking took someones life"

"They were going to take yours anyway" Damiano says while laughing.

You still can't wrap your head around the whole situation. It's better to leave it behind.

And that's exactly what you do. You drive away from the scene, leaving the empty parking garage behind.

After driving for approximately 15 minutes in complete silence, you turn to Vic, hoping that her face expression is somewhat okay after everything that has happened.

"Are you okay?" You ask her quietly, looking at her straight in the eye.

"Me?" She answers back. "Are you okay?" she says startled.

"I don't know". You turn your head back to focus on the road.

Thoughts of the consequences due to what you did starts to hit you. What if you get caught? What if you're going to jail? What if you all go to jail?

"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry I dragged you all into this situation". You try to talk quietly due to the tension in the car at the minute.

"Our fault" Damiano replies. You are not sure if his short answer makes you feel better, or worse.

You try to look back at him and give him a little smile to show sympathy, and he smiles back too.


Finally we left the scene behind us, leaving the body at the parking garage. Even after everything that has happened since Y/n has come in to the picture, life has actually been more interesting, surprisingly, or not due to this fucking stalker.

I'm to afraid to tell Y/n that what she did was fucking insane, in a good way. I know they would never hurt a soul on purpose, but sometimes our self defense-alarms get the best of us, which is fully understandable in this situation.

The fright they had in their eyes when they looked back at me was heartbreaking, truly. The fact that they asked how I was feeling is crazy. I'm actually great, really great. But I can't give them that answer because that would make me a psychopath, right? So I had to give them the same question and let them answer. I don't want to lie, but I don't want to tell the truth about how I'm feeling over this situation or how I feel about them.

The way they look at Damiano and the way he looks at them. I hope it's just me overreacting.

I really hope so.


After about a half hour drive, you are finally at the airport. Damiano has talked to their manager and agents about getting the hell out of here, even during your physical conditions after the last car accident. It's like everything is happening in a continuous loop.

You swear to god that this isn't another dream.

"Take the back road behind the airport towards the side of the runway and our jet should be standing there waiting for us".

You turn to Damiano.

"Do they know what has happened?"

"Yes, they know but everything is under control. We know people who know people and they will make sure that everything is in it's place. Not even a grain of sand will be left behind".

This awoke a theory inside of you. Not really knowing what, but you tried not to think about it. This cannot be true can it?

Your thoughts get disrupted as soon as you see the plane. The plane was ready to go. The engines were louder than ever.

"Alright our people got it from here. All you need to do is just park the car right over there, get out and get on the jet immediately. Vic's got you". Thomas says before you all get out.

Vic runs around the car towards you, grabs your arm and you both jog towards the jet and get in. Soon, the three other band members join you and sit towards you, and you next to Vic, of course.

The jet takes off almost immediately, in the span of 5 minutes tops, and you're up in the air.

"You good?" Vic asked you, with her face close to yours.

You turn to look at her. "I'm fine, you?"


After about 2 minutes of silence, you have the urge to ask a few questions, because right now, nothing makes sense to you. The stalker, the drive, car crashes, the fast cleanup of your crime you just committed, the rapid acceptance the band gave you so quickly. Nothing adds up in your head right now, and you need answers.

"Can someone please explain to me what's going on. How did everything happen so fast? How did i just commit one of the most serious crimes? How did you all still accept me after this? Why are you helping me? WHY ARE WE HERE?" Your voice rises but you start to calm down after Vic squeezes your hand a little. More of a comforting thing than telling you to shut up.

They all look at each other. They are giving each other a stare. Not a good stare. A stare that shows secrets and lies. A stare that gives you the feeling of hidden messages and information you don't know of. Something is completely off, and no one is giving you answers.

"Should we tell them?" Ethan says.


"We don't really have a choice anymore or they may leave." Vic says, giving you a side glance, making your heart drop.

"Tell me what?" You yell out, with wide open eyes.

Damiano takes a deep breath in, looking at the other band members as if he's somehow asking them for some sort of permission.

"We are apart of the Italian mafia."

Your theory was right.

// I apologize for almost waiting a whole year to update. But I finally got my motivation back and I understand if y'all are pissed but here it is now:)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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