Chapter 7: Tension

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You land in Milan pretty quickly. You all get off the plane and head straight to the car picking you guys up. You have no time to loose. The beginning of the second show is tonight, so you're in a hurry.

There was a lot happening. There where many flashes from paparazzi all around. You're surprised, but I mean, you where in Milan. Here people must know who Måneskin is.

You exit the airport building. The band's luggage was already packed inside the trunk of the car, nice. You and Victoria climb inside the vehicle first, the boys come in right after.

The car starts to drive straight away and it picks up the speed and heads straight out of the airport-area. Now you could finally take a breath and chill. You look out the window.

It looked very dry outside. There where many mountains, but barely any trees. It was still beautiful. Cloudy and bright out.

You lean back and shut your eyes. So much has happened so far. You go from being a basic student trying to focus on your education, to leaving the country, getting a stalker and touring with a band now performing here in Milan. Crazy.

You start to dose off, and all sounds around you start to fade. The only thing you hear now is your own heartbeat and breathing.

"(Your name)". Victoria whispers besides you, while shaking you.

"We are here now".

You were now infront of the hotel. It was very big. You can tell that it is a five star. It had a Glassdoor entrance in towards the lobby. It had the same vibes as the previous one, but bigger and way more luxurious. The outside of the building had the same style as baroque ceiling. Basically, it was very Milan-italian. You get really excited over staying. Imagine that you're not paying a buck for this.

You get out of the car, leaving the band behind you, you walk slowly towards the entrance, looking up at the tall building in awe.

"Impressive place". Thomas says casually.

It was way more than impressive, it was immaculate.

You, being the curious person you are, you go in, leaving the rest of the band outside. You open go through the glass door, and a wig of cold, fresh AC air hits your skin. It feels super nice because outside was dry and warm. Here it was nice and cold, but not too cold.

You stand there, looking up at the ceiling, fully complexed. This completely out graded the earlier hotel you stayed at. Just like the outside of the hotel, the ceiling here had that baroque-feeling, but more modern and clean ((se picture above)). Italy was full of surprises.

You didn't notice, but the band was in front of you now, checking in. You still standing there, observing the ceiling and trying to take in the ceilings beauty. Trying to discover hidden things such as gargoyles and angel pictures/paintings. It was very addicting. The trans broke by Ethan coming up to you.

"Hey, you coming"?

"Oh, sorry. Yes"

You try to get your mind back to earth, and you follow the rest of the band to your rooms.

Thank god this hotel was nothing like the other one. All of the flashbacks would've come back if this was any similar, which it wasn't.

You take the elevator to the fifth floor. While in the elevator, Victoria explains that you all get a suite to share, but it has five beds, enough for all of you to fit.

It brings you a slight relief that you are not living alone this time. It makes you feel safe that you have four other individuals by your side 24/7. Hopefully they don't care. Even Victoria said she want's you there. You'll be good.

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