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Today is the day! dad and i are going to Netherland. i am still in shock and can't believe this whole situation, first of all i am going to eurovision which always was very important day for me, even in my childhood. i think every European stayed up all night to watch the show and fell asleep on the couch in front of the tv atleast one time in their lives. well we will be there for one week so i have to pack lots of clothes but first lets choose an outfit for an airport, well its may so its kinda warm here but netherland is pretty chilly country so i think i will just put on some comfy clothes.

Anthony: bel! we are late darling be quick!

Bella: wait for me i will be there in a second

I quickly put on my clothes, throw my hair in a bun and headed to the car where tony was already waiting.
this few minutes after we got to the airport was so much fun and i was happy, i really was until i saw her..

Marzia: bella? what the hell are you doing
here?! did you start a new job as a cleaner or something

Bella: marzia do you search and memorize those comebacks or what in the 6th grade are you trying to do

Marzia: ugh at least i can memorize and do something unlike you

bella: well at least carlos likes me no no he's more like obsessed with me..unlike you

you could see her face turning red because everybody knows marzia had a crush on carlos since the 8th grade.

Marzia: will you ever answer my question what the hell are you doing here?! or was i right about the answer

bella: well i am here for the same thing you are, so you decide is it because of the job or the eurovision

Marzia: WHAT?!

bella: what

Marzia: there is no fucking way you are going to the eurovision, i- .. i mean.. you are too poor

Bella: keep telling that to yourself while i will be right there with you, i think i have to go so.. see you there i guess

Anthony: Bella darling lets go..who is this, your friend?

bella: no one important dad lets go.

We were flying for a few hours, the view was amazing but i was getting too tired, i couldn't wait to go rest in the hotel and then take a shower because tomorrow is the first day of semi-final. i really don't know what i am going to wear, well i think i will choose better when we get there.
god after all this time we were finally here and i was right its pretty cold definitely about 13° but i didn't care about that , only thing i cared about right now was food because lord i was really REALLY hungry.

Bella: dad can we eat something i cant take it anymore..
anthony: you didn't eat at home when i told you to did you?!
bella: i was not hungry..
anthony: oh bella bella..come on lets eat something here
bella: yesss

We decided to eat fast food in Airport, Mcdonald's actually, it's my all time favorite.
The food was amazing and as i was eating, i was looking out of the window. There are lots of people here with different flags like Azerbaijan, Ukraine and even Italy, turns out even more people support maneskin than i thought.

Bella: hey dad i will go wash my hands and be back in a few minutes okay?

Anthony: okay okay i will find a taxi for us than

Bella: mhm okay but please dont go too far so that i can find you

Anthony : alright alright

i went to the bathroom, washed my hands and when i went outside i couldn't find my dad, OFCOURSE. i knew this would fucking happen, why did i go! fuck where will i find him now , i will just call him..wheres my phone..UGH i forgot that i dont have a phone literally fuck my luck and fuck my life!!! think bella think... wait..even tho i don't want to that's my only hope.

Marzia: ugh you again?

bella: marzia can i please use your phone i can't find my dad and i don't have a phone with me

Marzia: thats not my problem babes

bella: please..

Marzia: oh my taxi is here bye bye

bella: what a fucking bitch you are

Marzia: stay mad byee

i don't know what to do, i don't have phone and my dad is no where to be seen. i don't even know the language this people are speaking neither the address to our hotel.

as i was standing there hopelessly some stranger from their car called me..

Stranger: here you can use my phone

Bella: thank- wait.. ETHAN?!

Anthony: bella!

Ethan: oh hello bella..

Ethan: oh hello bella

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