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Victoria: wake up! bella

Bella: huh? where is..where is he?

Victoria: who? Damiano? well that's actually why i came here

That dream..the one about Ethan seemed and felt so real, every touch every..well everything in General but i am happy that i didn't cheat on Damiano even tho we are not really officially a couple, he never asked me to be his girlfriend but still i would say that he cheated on my if he slept with other girl and it would break my heart and i hope thats how he thinks too but god damn it this dreams was so good, i kinda..i kinda wish Victoria didn't wake me up.

Bella: so? what happened?! is Damiano okay?!!!

Vic: yes yes princess don't worry about that, Dami is feeling great he just wanted to say that today he wants all of us to have a breakfast together

Bella: why didn't he tell me himself

Vic: well he has some business to do that's why

Bella: oh okay so at what time should i be downstairs?

Vic: oh we are not eating here today, Dami said we should go out today before the grand final



Bella: thank GOD you came here vic or else just imagine damiano's, Thomas's and Edgar's faces if i told them that i forgot the date of grand final.

Vic: not going to lie i would pay to see that

Bella: you already dressed right?

Vic: yup

Bella: why don't you wait for me here and maybe we can go together

Vic: sure why not

Bella: ugh what should i wear

Vic: oh about that, Damiano told me to give this to you don't snitch on me but i opened the package a little bit and it is a very beautiful dress

Bella: what?! really? let me see than

I opened the package and inside there was this beautiful, black velvet dress that i absolutely LOVED, well first of all because it really is pretty and very my style if you know what i mean and of course the most important reason is that its from Damiano..i would never even think that he would do something quite romantic like this but i guess the ones who look the toughest outside have the most romantic heart inside.
When i unfolded the dress a little paper fell on the floor, it said

" A Beautiful dress for my beautiful girl
-D. "

Vic: Damn girl you really stole his heart didn't you?

Bella: Well..

Vic: oh by the way why did you sleep in your dress, you were out with Damiano? i thought he came straight to hotel after fixing my bass problems

Bella: no actually Ethan and i walked around the town a little bit

Vic: Ethan.

Love battle // damiano and ethan Where stories live. Discover now