We need to talk

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Tomorrow morning is way too late since the flight to Italy is at 10 am but i have no other choice i must think of something, i can't loose this only chance to get her back, i can't loose her..not again.
I sat down in a chair outside of this cafe, time passed slowly, i couldn't stay in one place anymore but i didn't want to go to the hotel either, i rather be here all night long than go because i know even if i do go my heart will tell me to come back.
At around 10 pm my phone rang, it was Ethan. My heart started beating crazy, maybe they found something that will help me or maybe they found something that will get me into a worser situation, whatever it is i can take it at least i will know the truth.

"Ethan" i said with a questionable voice, Ethans answer made my blood flow stop, i froze in one place but not because i got scared no, because i think they found something that will help me win her heart back.
i quickly jumped out of the chair and started running in to the bar direction, with all the energy i had i was running and not looking back.

Damiano: Ethan?! what did you find show me

Ethan: Damiano i think this will help you a lot, look..look closely can you recognize her?

Damiano: thats her..thats marzia

Ethan: yes now look, in a few seconds you are coming over right no no look here

Damiano: here?

Ethan: yes right here, closer to the bar and it looks like you are ordering a drink but you were already so drunk look

Damiano: yeah i remember that actually..i wanted to go to sleep so bad so i put my head down on the counter

Ethan: thats right now look..after a few seconds

Damiano: wait..what is she doing?

Ethan: she is the reason you can not remember anything Damiano..she drugged you.

Ethan was right..believe it or not Marzia put some white powder in my drink that made me black out, what a fucking monster she is..All this time i thought it was my fault, i thought i got so drunk that all that alcohol made me loose my memory but no..the drug in my drink did that..i must show this to Bella. my fucking gut sense was right! After i show everything to Bella and win her back, Marzias days are counted.

Damiano: this is great! i mean..i have a..i have a proof now, right?!..Ethan why are you not saying anything..

Ethan: Damiano but this doesn't mean you didn't sleep with her..

Damiano: but i was drugged..

I looked at Ethan and saw in his eyes that this would not be Enough, but i was so happy..why does everything has to fuck up when i am finally happy? why can't i be lucky for once just like everybody else..sometimes i wonder should i have even took a part in this competition? maybe it would all be better if i listened to my parents and didn't follow this carrier, everything feels like a Domino effect, one mistake and boom here goes the downfall of your whole life. what can i do? nobody understands me, they don't understand that i am a human just like them! i never wanted to hurt her..i never did.
Ethans voice suddenly woke me up from my imagination and thoughts.

Ethan: what about sally? did you talk to her?

Damiano: no she was not there, i need to wait till morning

Ethan: but she is leaving tomorrow morning

Damiano: i know Ethan i know but what can i do?!

Ethan: calm down Damiano i just..

I lost my self and control again. This situation will be the end of me, it must end soon or else i will do what i never wanted to do..

Damiano: i am sorry Ethan..i didn't mean to be harsh on you

Ethan: hey do you want to take a walk?

I actually did want to take a walk with Ethan, he may not be the most talkative one in our band but every time i need someone he is always beside me, always.
We walked around the city, time flew fast as we were talking about everything our band, future and of course Bella..
i always knew he liked her, i mean how could he not but i couldn't say anything he was always watching her from far away not trying to tear us apart, i actually..felt bad for him.

Damiano: you like her don't you?

Ethan: was it too obvious?

Damiano: no actually but i know you Ethan, you can't hide anything from me

Ethan: remember the first day we came her? when i told you about a stranger?

Damiano: yeah..oh..it was..

Ethan: it was her. but then you came into her life and i don't blame you or anything i never even tried to make a first step because i was too shy for that but you were not, so she fell for you .

Damiano: yeah but it was in the past, Ethan to be honest i don't know if i will be able to get her back i mean she probably wishes she chose you not me now but i can't blame her, not at all.

Ethan: no Damiano she would still choose you

Damiano: i don't thin-

Ethan: she told me..she told me that even if she had a chance to go back she would still choose you..it was and always will be you. Now listen to me..you still have a few hours to get her back so do it, make her words worthy.

Suddenly my phone rang, it was almost like a sign from a god or something.

Damiano: yes?..yes this is damiano

Sally: hello Damiano..i am sally. we need to talk now.

 we need to talk now

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Love battle // damiano and ethan Where stories live. Discover now