Total fool

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Ethan: did i interrupt anything?..

Bella: oh no darling

Damiano: actually you did

Bella: no you didn't Ethan don't listen to him, he is not in a great mood today

Damiano: I am not in the great mood?!

Bella: yeah YOU

Ethan: i just wanted to say that Victoria and Thomas are looking for you there is something wrong with vic's bass..

Damiano: WHAT?! oh fuck me.. i have to go bella see you later

He quickly took his phone and ran out of the room, without a proper goodbye, without a kiss..But Ethan was here and i didn't want to show him that i am sad so i decided to play it off.

Bella: hey what you doing now

Ethan: me?

Bella: do you see anyone else here?

Ethan: no i..i am not doing anything

Bella: sorry for being such a bitch to you i am know not the greatest day i guess

Ethan: do you wanna take a walk maybe?

Ethan sounded so cute and wholesome..he knew there was something wrong, that means a lot to me just the fact that he noticed..means a lot.

Bella: yes sure i would love to take a walk with you maybe you could give me like 5 minutes to change? if that won't be a problem..

Ethan: yeah sure i will wait

I stared at him for a few seconds and his face made me giggle..god this boy is so cute.

Bella: Ethan?..

Ethan: yes?

Bella: maybe you could turn around?..

Ethan : oh yes yes ofcourse.. god ethan you are so stupid.

——- Ethans pov——-

god ethan you are so stupid..i said under my breath, it's not my fault i can't control myself around bella, she makes me loose my self and act like a fool. God damn it only if i said anything that day in the airport it would be me beside her not Damiano, she would choose me not him..Am i too weird..too disgusting for being in love with my best friends girl? but i mean logically i fell for her first not him.

Bella: ready!

I turned around and she was standing in front of me in a white silk dress which was perfect on her..i don't care if this sounds wrong but bella is a girl of my dreams.

Bella: what you think

Ethan: look great lets go

you look great lets go

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Love battle // damiano and ethan Where stories live. Discover now