Pepperoni or margherita

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———- 1 hour later ———

We left because there was no more reason to stay, Ethan , Vic and Thomas were just sitting in silence and that made it even harder for me to hide the sound of my tears dropping on my shirt, i tried to stop i really did but this feeling that i don't know what it is called was choking me. I was the one driving the car..lost in my thoughts i didn't see a big truck coming in our direction.

Ethan: damiano! DAMIANO THE CAR

Damiano: what?..

Ethan quickly changed the directions so we survived..but i still couldn't feel anything.

Vic: Dami are you okay?!

Ethan: come on, lets change seats i will drive

Oh and sally i forgot about her, she just sat in a car and didn't say anything..only if said anything to Marzia that night, everything would be different but ..i don't know , maybe it had to happen like this, maybe it was a fate. There is one thing i definitely know, i will never fall in love again, at least not deeply like this.

Ethan: hey sally should i drop you near the cafe or?

Sally: yeah if it won't be a problem

Ethan: no of course we will soon be there

Sally: mhm..

Vic: guys what about us

Thomas: what do you mean

Vic: Eurovision ended..we must go back too.

Thomas: i think we should stay few more days it would be better for Damiano

Damiano: no vic is right, this place..i just cant stay here anymore

Ethan: guys lets talk about this later okay? Sally we are here

Sally: thank you very much...i just wanted to say that i am really sorry, only if i knew..i blame myself. Damiano i am very sorry, if you ever need help just call me and i will fly to Italy

Damiano: its not your - hey are you crying? oh god please sally...

Sally: i just hate myself so much, its all my fault

Damiano: its not your fault at all you hear me? you helped me sooo much sally, you have no idea how much you did for me. thank you for everything truly, i wish we will get to meet again someday!

Sally: that would be awesome..i have to go now, goodbye everyone and good luck

Damiano: goodbye sally

Ethan: okay now where should we go

Damiano: definitely not hotel

Ethan: then where

Thomas: maybe a park or something, vic what you think?..

*vic gets a text message *

Thomas: vic?

Ethan: HELLO? victoria!

Vic: lets eat

Damiano: yeah lets go into this restaurant

Vic: i think the one where we were the other day is a better option what you guys think

Ethan: oh that fancy one?

Vic: yeah i quiet liked it

Ethan: okay than

First i didn't get it now i understand, they meant the restaurant where i asked bella to be my girlfriend the day before all of this happened, i don't care as soon as we leave this country the better.
while driving i put my head out of the window while the wind was blowing my hair softly i looked up to the blue sky, not many clouds were visible but you could see the mark that an airplane left, probably the one where bella was sitting. the memories came back as i watched those marks disappear in the clouds, to be honest i don't remember falling in love with her..falling in love with you bella, i just remember one day watching your smile on that stage, smile that gently engulfed your beautiful face, your eyes staring right back into mine, that was the moment i realized how much it would fucking hurt to never experience you again but i guess i didn't fight for you enough but i really tried my best..i really did.

Ethan: lets go guys we are here

Vic: come on dami, lets go inside together

Said vic with her beautiful smile while crossing her arm with mine and resting her head on my shoulder.

Ethan: here take this menus and we can order after you choose

Vic: i will have pizza

Ethan: pizza is good, maybe Caesar salad too?

Thomas: and red wine too i really need it right now!

Vic: haha yes couldn't agree more, what about you Dami? what will you order

Damiano: do they have margherita pizza here?

Vic: well does it say they have it on the menu?

Damiano: no but if they can make pepperoni why can't they bake margherita too

Thomas: because they are two different kinds of pizzas?

Damiano: bullshit

Thomas: can you calm down a little bit Damiano? we have feelings and nerves too

Damiano: i know i am sorry

Vic: maybe you can ask the waitress dami

Damiano: yeah sure

Vic: waitress please..hi..Dami what did you want to ask?

Damiano: do you guys have Margherita pizza?

Waitress: i don't know

Ethan: huh..what.

Damiano: Ethan why do you look like a ghost.

i looked up..

Bella: Dami pepperoni is way better than Margherita

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