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The moment he said my name, my heart started beating crazy like i couldn't calm my self down but i tried to act cool. Oh fuck Ethan is even hotter in real life, i myself am about 1,70cm but he is definitely taller than 1,80 cm's plus his long black hair, black closes and a cigarette made him look even better if its even possible. i definitely zoned out for a few seconds but hey can you blame me?!

Ethan: oh i don't think you need a phone anymore, do you bella?

fuck he said my name again, i can feel butterflies in my stomach.

Bella: oh god.

Ethan: you okay?

Bella: yes i am just— i- fuck i cant even say anything, all i wanted to say is that i am a really big fan of yours and hope you guys win, i mean you really deserve it

Ethan: oh thank you so much , i well WE really appreciate your support it means a lot

Anthony: bella lets go!

Ethan: i think you have to go

he was right, i needed to go but i couldn't take my eyes of ethan. I had always liked him a lot even when they performed in x-factor but meeting him in real life made me act up.

Bella: yes i have to go..it was great meeting you ethan and again i wish you guys everything best i will be supporting from the crowd

Ethan: oh so you will be there?!

Bella: yes ofcourse thats why i am here..bye ethan

Ethan: see you later bella.

If only my dad didn't come back i would use ethans phone and know his number but right now i lost my only chance to get to know him and the whole band better..and the way he said i think you have to go, he was definitely bored with me and annoyed..eh i will just go to the hotel with my dad, have a rest and watch them perform tomorrow from far..far away.

———Ethans pov —————

Damiano: hey ethan we need to- ethan?..hello?!

Ethan: yeah..hello.

Damiano: bro you were out of this world what happened

Ethan: nothing its just..i just met one girl and she was beautiful nothing else

Damiano: okay stop you crush bullshit because we have to go rehearse right now and then get some sleep

Ethan: yeah yeah lets go

i don't know her, i have never even met her before but it seems like i have known her my whole life..bella..she is so beautiful, i don't normally have crushes on random people but Damiano was right i really did kinda fell for her.

—— Bellas pov——-

Anthony: again i am so sorry i didn't get lost just because you wanted to talk to some long haired guy bella! what a monster i am

Bella: no no you don't understand that was not "some long haired guy" dad it was ETHAN TORCHIO

Anthony: oh an Italian guy! invite him over for dinner than!

Bella: dad are you not listening to me?! thats the guy FROM THE BAND

Anthony: oh..the one thats performing tomorrow right?

Bella: dear lord.. YES HELLO

Anthony: oh i get it now..

Bella: its okay..he would never look at me that way anyways

Anthony: if he has eyes he would definitely fall in love with you in a first sight

Bella: oh cut that bullshit dad

Anthony: i am for real darling, you don't understand how beautiful you are inside out..you don't appreciate yourself enough. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and any person you will fall in love with will say the same as i do for sure..

Bella: aww dad..you are making me cry, come on lets hug each other

Anthony: okay okay its enough you know i don't like to hug

Bella: i will now go in my room, take a shower and go to sleep dad

Anthony: okay darling dont stay up too late

Bella: i won't promise, love you dad see you tomorrow

anthony: love you too my girl have a great night.

As i said i took a shower, put on my pajamas and got into my bed. while thinking about today and tomorrow, what happened and what may happen i fell alseep.. tomorrow is the day.

Love battle // damiano and ethan Where stories live. Discover now