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I couldn't stop smiling, it was like a moment from a  movie or something i really felt like a main character But why did Damiano do this i still have no idea.
While everybody was screaming the bands name we ran off the stage.


Victoria: i was literally in shock, girl i don't know who you are but i am already in love with you

Bella: i still can't believe! it was AMAZING

Damiano: i am sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable..

i didn't know what to say but i knew words couldn't express my emotions so i stepped on my toes, put his beautiful face in my hands and kissed him again.

Ethan: hey bella

The one thing i totally forgot about is Ethan..Thomas and Victoria looked so hyped and excited for us but Ethan on the other hand..

Damiano: you two know each other?!

Bella: well we met once in an airport, i didn't have a phone so Ethan offered me help

I saw that Ethan was sad maybe because of the kiss but i don't want to believe that so i let go of Damiano who was holding me by my waist and hugged Ethan tightly.

Bella: how are you Ethan?!

——— Ethans pov ———

From the first second i saw bella i fell for her, i was so excited for this day because i thought maybe we will meet each other again, maybe she's the one maybe she is my destiny..But turns out Damiano and i were talking about the same girl all this time, He fell in love with her and clearly she fell for him too. I was so mad even tho i had no right to feel that way but the moment bella hugged me all the anger disappeared, i am not that kind of person to obsess over someone or get jealous of someone because of a girl especially of Damiano who has been my best friend for years now but bella is different she wakes up some kind of feelings in me that no one else did all this time.

Ethan: i am good and you?

Bella: better than ever

——-Bellas pov ——-

i Know its wrong to say but i like the jealousy i see in Ethans eyes..its almost like i want him to be jealous i like him so much but i can't like them both, especially because they are best friends and i just kissed Damiano infront of  the whole world. I need to make up my mind and i need to do that quick.

Manager: this was even better than i was expecting it to be! Damiano you have a good taste.. she is stunning

Bella: ou thank you very much haha..Dami i need to go my dad will kill me..

Manager: Security will go with you darling there are thousands and thousands of girls jealous of you, we must think about your safety!

Damiano: i want to meet him tho

Manager: but you guys must stay here, at least for a few hours

Bella: its totally okay i will go and maybe we can have a dinner tomorrow plus you will meet Anthony

Damiano: okay sure but what are you doing tonight?

Manager: guys i have to go , you stay here and bella darling thank you for a great show goodbye i will see you later!

Bella: bye bye, well nothing much what about you? what you doing tonight?

Damiano: hopefully you

Thomas: BRO

Victoria: i wish i were you Damiano

Ethan: i will go eat.

Bella: bye Ethan!

He left without saying a goodbye, i felt so bad.

Damiano: for real maybe we can drive around the city tonight what you think

bella: why not..see you later than

Damiano: give me a goodbye kiss

Damiano put his hand on my waist pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips and then pinched my ass

Damiano put his hand on my waist pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips and then pinched my ass

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Bella: ouch

Damiano: see you later beautiful;)

Victoria: hey damiano there is a press outside maybe we should give them a quick interview

Damiano: sure why not lets go guys

Thomas: actually i am pretty hungry too so i will go eat with Ethan if thats okay

Damiano: sure why not

——Thomas pov——-

I really like to joke all the time, i can never stay serious but when it comes to my friends i always try to do my best.
While we were talking about Dami and Bella i looked at Ethan and i knew something was not right, at that moment i decided not to say or ask anything just so i wouldn't make everything even more uncomfortable but right now it's the best time to ask him.

Thomas: hey whats up

Ethan: hey where are the others

Thomas: doing an interview

Ethan: oh cool

Thomas: Ethan you are my best friend and i know something is bothering you please tell me what's going on

Ethan: nothing i am okay , i am just..just tired.

Thomas: you can't lie to me, tell me i promise i won't tell anyone

Ethan: do you remember when i told you guys about a girl and Damiano made fun of me?

Thomas: yeah?

Ethan: it was's bella whom i fell in love with.

Thomas: oh shit.

Love battle // damiano and ethan Where stories live. Discover now