The End of it all

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———- 1 hour earlier———-

Pilot: hello everybody this is your pilot talking! before we take off i need to say an urgent message to miss..bella i think, Damiano never lied to you and that something never happened..maria or marzia i don't quite remember faked it all.

Bella: what?!

Anthony: honey what is going on?! what is this man talking about!

Pilot: Also Ethan said something about him wanting you to be happy, i am going to give miss bella two minutes if she wants to get off the plane she can, thats all i can do.

Anthony: bella?..

My legs started shaking, my brain was saying to stay but my heart said go, for once in my boring ass life i decided to follow my heart.

Anthony: bella where are you going!

Bella: i am so sorry dad, i must go.

Anthony: is that what you really want?..

Bella: yes dad, thats what i want

Anthony: okay darling then go, if your heart says so you must go

Bella: see you in Italy dad

Anthony: see you in Italy darling

Bella: i want to get off the plane please.

I got off the plane but now what, i was standing in the middle of a foreign country with my luggage and absolutely nowhere to go.
i went inside the bathroom, splashed some cold water on my face and started thinking logically, at first i even thought maybe it was too late but something inside of me was saying that you guys were still here plus i wanted to surprise Damiano so i texted Vic, telling her to take you guys in this restaurant. after that i quickly changed my outfit

and came here, secretly called vic, listened to what you were talking about and yeah

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and came here, secretly called vic, listened to what you were talking about and we are.

Thomas: oh my god! SEE I WAS TELLING YOU..i am a genius, i came up with that idea of talking to Pilot bel, you know as an only logically thinker in this friend group!

Vic: oh shut up you guys didn't even notice when she texted me, i am such a good actress i love myself

Ethan: literally i am so happy that you are back bel, we really missed you!..bel?..guys i think we should leave this two alone

Vic: yeah because they are not even looking at us

Thomas: ugh whatever lets go eat one dollar pizza slices

Ethan: spazzatura!

Vic: yeah i agree with Ethan Thomas what the fuck! what kind of Italian man are you?

Love battle // damiano and ethan Where stories live. Discover now