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Remus gave his everything on stage tonight. He had to eat a lot of candy and drank a lot of coke to not faint but it was worth it. The Marauders chose his song "Boos for the Werewolf" to sing in the end. And the fans were pleased.

Remus couldn't believe so many people liked his song. That song was very special to him. It spoke about his true self in a werewolf metaphor. It had helped him cope with his mother's death, with his diabetes. It had helped him coming out of the closet to his band mates. Even though the fans couldn't know about his illness or sexuality, Remus hoped at least some fans could figure it out through the Lyrics. The song even got him his nickname, Moony. Nickname that only his bandmates used, and luckily the fans didn't know about.

As Remus sang the chorus: "Boos for The Werewolf won't stop him going out at night. The Moon will shine his true colors just right..."; Remus looked at Sirius. He couldn't avoid it. And he didn't care if fans would notice it.

For a quick second, Sirius stare at him right back. His hair was a mess for rubbing it so much, as Sirius always did on stage. Sweat shined on his chest, Remus could see it thanks to his half-opened shirt, as well as his tattoos, and the cross chain on his neck. Sirius was so handsome. So bloody handsome it hurt.

"So, boos for the werewolf.... Might make him bite you back...Boos boos and the werewolf will attack"

Sirius winked at him. Remus had to look the other way. They haven't been able to talk about last night. Remus didn't know if Sirius remembered. They were drunk and half high. But it had been a dream come true for Remus. He had wanted to touch and kiss Sirius the way he did last night so badly. Remus had been hopelessly in love with Sirius ever since the day they met, three years ago, when they formed the band. But Sirius had never showed interest in boys, until last night. Remus was confused. And scared it might have been just a drunk act, and not real.

The crowd clapped and cheered. Many of them screaming occasionally "James!", or "Sirius", or "Peter" and for his surprise "Remus". Also "We love yous", a lot of them. Remus was so grateful for the fans. He still cannot believe that many people around the world sang his songs, and had posters of him at home, that actually pay a lot of money just to see him perform.

"Thank you, Rome!" James screamed in the microphone. The crowd responded with a lot of screams and cheering. James was entertainer of the group. The leader. His voice was angelical. And he always helped the member that couldn't sing or keep up. He actually helped Peter with some of his verses tonight, the poor boy was exhausted.

The four boys gathered in the middle of the stage to make their final bow. That was all for Rome. Next, Milan. The best part of the tours, were the visits around the city. Remus and his mother had always dreamed of visiting Italy and France. And there he was, but without Hope. Remus missed her like crazy.

The concert was over, and the four boys collapsed in the backstage sofa. All of them full of sweat, unable to talk, with their throats soar, and physically exhausted. But still, the night was not over.

"Here you go boys..." Minnie handed them a bottle of water each, except for Remus, who needed a very high sugared beverage right now.

Minerva McGonagall, the band assistant manager, always kept the boys hydrated and healthy. She was like a mum to them. And often the boys drove her crazy with their backstage pranks and games. Minnie, as they called her, was helpful. For James, who constantly got homesick on tours, because he had the most incredible parents in the world. For Sirius when he was constantly pressured by his famous family, and got panic attacks. For Peter, who was anxious before, during and after every performance and was pressured to always warm his voice, since he had made the most mistakes possible (forget lyrics, hit a bad notes). And for Remus, who constantly needed someone to regulate his glucose, to keep him basically alive.

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