Epilogue: Lily

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The song here is The Name of the Game by ABBA

Little Epilogue from Lily's p.o.v

Lily was a hopeless romantic. She believed in love but after what happened with Severus, she never thought she could find someone again. Not until she met James. That boy was everything that Severus was not. Kind, compassionate, he listened to her, he made her laugh, she was important to him. And they both shared the passion for music. Lily knew James wasn't the type to write songs. But when he sang, he forgot about everything else. The way he closed his eyes, the way his throat moved. Lily thought he was so handsome.

They had been dating for weeks now. And Lily was invited to The Potter's. The classic 'meeting the parents'. Lily was freaking out. She had met The Marauders by now. Well properly. She had found out that she and Remus shared the same taste in books. She had found out that Sirius appeared to be a punk but he was such a cute guy, always telling embarrassing stories about James and giving her advices to impress James. And she had found out that Peter was more intelligent that he appeared. He was shy at first, but now that he gained confidence in Lily, he would talk nonstop about some theory he had just read. Lily had never had friends, except for Severus and Petunia. And it was nice to be part of this little group.

Lily was sure that James' parents had heard about her. She was famous, still she owed everything to her passion of making music. But she still wanted to give a first good impression.

The Potter's house was big as she entered. She was led to the side where there was a pool. Even Lily with all the money she gained with her albums didn't have such luxury.

And then she saw him.

James was making funny impressions, making his friends laugh. His body and arms moved accordingly. Sometimes he was so expressionist.

The way he was so into himself, the way he forgot about the rest of the world when he was focused on something, the way his happiness and positivity irradiated to everyone around him. Lily loved him. She knew that now. Was it too soon to know? Well, knowing her, yes. She fell in love so quickly.

Remus noticed her first. Lily was too focused watching her boyfriend amused. Remus touched James' arm, and pointed at Lily. James turned to look at her, he blushed. In fact, his whole expression lit up when he saw her.

Yes. Lily was in love with him. She bit her lip. James approached to her.

"Hello darling" he said smiling. The accent was the best part. It drove Lily insane.

"Hi handsome"

James sighed. He did that every time Lily complemented him. Lily loved him.

They kissed. The first time had been like in the movies. James arrived to L.A. and Lily went to surprise him, because she couldn't take it anymore. Talking over the phone and on facetime wasn't the same. They had talked how much they had wanted to kiss each other, so Lily just ran towards him, climbing on his waist and kissing him senseless. They were allowed because they had announced their relationship to the public by that point. The paparazzi took pictures of them, but Lily couldn't give a shit.

This time, they were interrupted by The Marauders giggling. Sirius even whistled. Lily laughed; James rolled his eyes.

"Do you think your parents are going to like me?" Lily asked

"My parents love everyone more than me" James said dramatically.

Then he grabbed her hand, and they walked towards their friends.

"You're freaking rich"

"I'm aware, hon"

"Hello Ginger" Sirius just decided to call her that, Lily secretly loved it

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