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AN: Once again stealing songs because I am no song writer. The song Copy of a Copy of a Copy belongs to Louis Tomlinson. I am pretty sure this song speaks about the pressure that famous people have of themselves. They are molded the way their management wants, just to gain more money and it is unfair.

"How about we fill his car with termites or something?" James suggested excitedly.

"That would be kind of suicidal" Remus shook his head

"Yeah and it doesn't have to be so childish... No offense, love" Lily added

The Marauders had been planning the perfect plan for Dumbledore. Operation Make Dumbles Cry, and Pay for being An Asshole. Peter was delighted to go back to business. It brought the Marauders closer. And Peter loved when this happened. They even invited Lily to their planning. Through FaceTime of course. James had called his girlfriend the fifth Marauder. Peter wasn't so sure. Having a female within the Marauders would totally ruin the dynamic. And they didn't know her too well.

"We just want to show him that we are upset with the way he's been treating us" Sirius said, head in Remus' lap, which the latter was stroking. "But I'm not ready to be fired or sued, are you?"

Was that a possibility? Peter never thought about it.

"They can do that?" Peter asked nervously "No lads..." he shook his head "I'm definitely not ready to leave the Marauders. I'd died without you"

"Aaaw" Lily exclaimed. Peter didn't understand why. He meant what he was saying.

"Relax, Wormy" James said confidently "We'll keep it cool"

Peter nodded. He always believed James. James was assuring and confident. One had to simply believed him or die of uncertainty.

"I don't think we'll get what we want..." Remus sighed

"What do you mean Moons?" Sirius asked

"Prongs and Lils can date because it is what is consider normal" Remus' expression was sad "But you and me, Pads. Always in the closet"

Sirius sat down to face him "Don't say that!"

"I wouldn't mind" Remus shrugged "As long as you date me in real life"

Sirius kissed him. It had been happening more and more often. Peter wasn't sure at first, seeing them kiss. But he was accustomed by now.

"Arrg! Don't brag" James protested looking away "Some of us cannot kiss yet"

"Yeah!" Lily added "Have some respect"

Sirius and Remus laughed "Prongs, you're free to snog the screen if you want"

"No!" Peter moaned "It's my laptop"

"Just a few days, darling" James said to the screen

"Can't wait" Lily laughed

Peter sighed. He wasn't familiar with the romantic world. But he didn't know if he didn't find himself attractive to date people, or because he just wasn't interested. Sometimes he wanted for someone to hug him and call him pretty, but he never thought of coupling or marriage. Aromantic, was the term? Peter had been learning a lot about sexualities doing the research for Padfoot. Interesting topic. And people genuinely believed everyone was straight... Oh! Speaking off...

"Sirius! I almost forgot!" Peter took the laptop on his lap

"Oi!!" James protested

"Sorry Lily" Peter blushed "Just one second..."

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