Chapter 4

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Hey guys. New chapter!!! Sorry it's been long. I had a lot to do and to make it up, this chapter is extra long. Hope you like it.


Chapter 4,

"Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free."

― Rumi


Galaxy Studios is huge, like out of this world huge, bigger than what I imagined. Wow, no wonder it was called Galaxy Studios, it was as big as the galaxy.

There was a small group of people just outside the entrance. They were holding cameras and microphones and all those techy stuff.


Oh no. This is bad. I looked down at my clothes quickly. I was wearing a red tank top with black shorts and black suspenders. I was wearing my red converses.

"You look fine." Aunt Vicky said. I forgot she was still with me. We were out of the car and walking towards the entrance. She was re-applying her lipstick. She was obviously ready for the cameras.

"I am so nervous," I said to her, "what if I do something stupid or I look different from the others."

"Oh sweetie, you're fine. And if you're different, who cares. I've seen you dance and girl, you're one heck of a dancer."

I smiled. Aunt Vicky was really nice. We were few meters from the entrance. You can do this Yvonne. Breathe, breathe, breathe. We were at the entrance now and the small group of cameras was swallowing us, microphones and cameras were shoved in my face. Did I look like a superstar. I am just a background dancer for heavens sake. Questions were being shouted by various people.

"What's your name?" Why do you want to know stalker.

"Are you a background dancer?" Yeah, duh, why would I be here.

"How long have you been dancing professionally?" Oh god. I have been a professional dancer for zero years. Zero years. Zero. I was sooo screwed.

We were in Galaxy studios now. We seemed to have made it through the media crew by some miracle and were now standing in an office. There was a pretty lady behind the desk.

"Hi, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Hi, I am Victoria Smith and this is my niece Yvonne Cliff. She is a background dancer for Josh Down's music video."

"Oh yes, down the hall. Room 15. Third room on the right. Yvonne has to go on her own now so say goodbye to your aunt, Yvonne. You can't miss it." She said with a smile.

"Bye aunt Vicky."

"Good luck," and with that she was gone.

"I'll need loads of good luck today."


The room was a huge empty space like a ballet studio. It wasn't as easy to find as the receptionist said it would be. There was a huge mirror that ran the whole length and width of one of the walls. Unlike a ballet studio, there were no bars to practice pliérs and all that ballet stuff, just a huge empty room. Well the room wasn't empty now. There was a small group of people, mostly background dancers and I noticed other people that seemed to be dance instructors. Most people were wearing black shirts. Great. Now I would stand out like a tomato in a puddle of black. There was a man standing at the front of the room. There wasn't actually a front but yeah you get the picture. He was also wearing a black shirt that was skin tight showing his bulging muscles. He is a bit short and his brown hair had way too much gel in it. He looked like he was in his late 30s. He ordered that everyone be quite and started talking.

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