Chapter 21

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If this chapter is really bad, just understand that I had a bad case of writer's block and writer's block is THE most frustrating experience ever so yeah don't stop reading pleassseeeee~ Tegacha


"It's so hard to hold onto some one you know you could never be with. And no matter how you think about it,you just have to let them go. Because while good things never last. Some don't even start."~ Unknown


Josh's POV

Jacob looked up from the paper he was reading when he saw me in his office. He looked startled to see me.

I didn't wait for him to say anything.

"You know what you said about what Joe Catthaway said at the movie premier?" I asked.

"Wait. Calm down. Have a seat first." Jacob said. He was still wondering why I was in his office. I was wondering the same thing myself. We hardly talked since when I fought with Vonnie. I sat down anyways. "So what were you saying? Joe? Oh yes. He said i should consider making Yvonne a co-singer."

"Yes. I think you should do that. Make her my co-singer."

"Why?" Jacob questioned. "You haven't even heard her sing."

"On the contrary." I said and then, I got out my phone and started playing the recording. At first it was just me singing the lullaby and Jacob still looked confused. But then, a melodious voice joined in making a pleasant harmony. Jacob's eyes widened and I smiled. Anyone would be surprised if they listened to this recording. Listening to it again, I was surprised at how good Vonnie was. Can't believe she didn't want to tell anyone how good she was at singing.

When the recording stopped, I took back my phone and smiled wider.

Jacob was still speechless. Like I expected.

"That was..." He rubbed his chin as he searched for the best word. "...perfect."

"I know," I replied.

"Why didn't she ever tell anyone about how good she was. At the movie premier she said she wasn't amazing at singing."

"She's really modest." I said.

Jacob nodded, deep in thought.

"So what you're saying..."

" that she should become my co-singer as well. It'll be amazing. It'll bring many fans in and it'll be good for the publicity as well." I hoped Jacob would cave in to my suggestion when I mentioned publicity.

Jacob smiled. "I know what you're doing boy." He smiled.

My smile faltered for a bit. "W-what are you talking about?" I asked innocently.

"Don't think I don't know you Josh. For some unknown reason you want Yvonne Cliff to remain here in Hollywood and now if I give her an extra role, not just co-dancer but also co-singer, you think you can solidify her role here so no matter what she doesn't stand a risk of being kicked out." Jacob laughed. "Smart plan son."

"I-it's n-not that." I stammered.

"Yeah sure." Jacob smiled wider. "Can I just ask why you really want her to stay? Of all the people here, you're the only one who really wants her to stay. And I find that funny because she has hurt you the most."

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