Chapter 17

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New chapter! What do you guys think of the new cover? Feel free to message me your ideas. This chapter is dedicated to VSGAPPER. Here's the chapter you've been waiting so long for. <3

Anyways happy reading!


"To err is human, to forgive, divine."

― Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism


"Oh my god! I can't believe you said that." Haley burst into insane laughter.

"I don't know how you can find this funny. I don't even know what was going on in my head. I'm so stupid. So much for publicity. I've only been here for what, three weeks? And I'm all over the headlines."

"Don't flatter yourself." Haley said.

I threw a fluffy pillow playfully at her. "This is serious business."

"It's just serious business because you see it as serious business."

"Do you know what Jacob will do to me when he finds out about my confrontation with that stupid reporter?"

"Well, technically, it was the reporter's fault. You were having a bad day and she should have been able to tell. I mean, you weren't exactly dressed like you were having the best day in your life."

"That's no excuse to Jacob. Oh my god, he will kill me and then kill my corpse if that's possible."

"Don't be so pessimistic." Haley said. Se stood up from the floor and went over to her well-made bed. She sat on it gently and smoothed out the creases she made when she sat on it. "And besides, he might not see it."

"Yeah like he didn't see the stupid bling magazine. And, with the way I was dressed, I think that will be on air for the freaking whole day." I glanced at my watch. It was already three o'clock and I hadn't called aunt Vicky. She would be worried by now and pissed as well. Seems like everyone's pissed at me. Jacob, aunt Vicky, Josh.

I sighed heavily and tried not to cry. My eyes betrayed me and a single tear dropped on my cheek. I sniffed quietly and swiped it off. Haley noticed. She stood up from her bed and crossed over to me. She wrapped her hands around me.

"It's okay. It's hard being in Hollywood. I know. But this will all pass. The humiliation, the fights, everything. And through all this, at least you know I got your back."

I smiled weakly. "I should call aunt Vicky. She doesn't know where I am. She should be worried and angry by now."

I glanced around Haley's room then silently cursed.

"Shit, I left my phone at Jo- I mean at their house." I couldn't even say his name. How sad is that?

"You can use mine." Haley passed me her phone.

I thought carefully for a moment, trying to recall my aunt's number. I dialed.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello?" I heard my aunt's familiar voice. This time though, I couldn't hear the cheery characteristic that was always in her voice. I fought myself to actually say something.

"Aunt Vicky?" Silence. "Aunt Vicky? It's me. Vonnie."

Silence again. That me at she was really angry. I took in a deep breath.

"I'm really sorry, a lot has happened since the party. Right now I'm at Haley's house. Can you please pick me up? I know you're probably really pissed and that I have a lot of explaining to do. I promise I will explain everything and go through whatever punishment you have for me but please can you pick me up first. I've had a long day and I'm really tired. Please."

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