Chapter 14 - Wedding

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November 1st, 1000 A.D

Cadance's POV

[Today was my wedding day, and I am getting quite nervous. Rebekah then comes in to check up on me since she is the maid of honor.]

Rebekah: *Hugs from behind* Hey, Cadance, are you nervous?

Cadance: Yes, I am. Can you help me with my dress?

Rebekah: Sure, why are you nervous? You did fine at practice cemetery.

Cadance: Bex, that's different. This is the real thing. I am getting married to my best friend and your brother!

Rebekah: You're going to be fine, your go for my brother. He loves you a lot and would do anything to protect you. Even if the wedding goes terribly wrong with no one showing up and just your family and mine, he wouldn't care. He would still want to marry you no matter what.

Cadance: *Gets up* Aww, you are so sweet! I am glad your my maid of honor and my best friend.

Rebekah: Aww, I have a little gift for you before the you go.

[Rebekah left the room and went somewhere, but she came back with Rosetta, who was 3 months old now].

Cadance: Let me hold my daughter.

Rebekah: Of course. *Gives her Rosetta*

Cadance: *Takes Rosie from Bex and talks in baby voice* Hi baby, how are you? Mum is getting married to daddy. *Regular voice* Bex, are you going to be carrying her?

Rebekah: Yes and no, but she will be walking with to down the aisle with me.

Cadance: That good.

[I hugged and kissed Rosie before put in her dress that she was going to be wear to the wedding. Bex was going to be hold her since she is the ring holder. After I finish, we walked outside to wait. Bex went in front of me with my daughter.]

A few minutes later

[I walked down the aisle, escorted by my dad, and everyone turns to watch us meeting Kol and the bridesmaids and groomsmen at the altar. Once everyone is in position, the Reverend begins his homily. Kol is stunned, speechless by the sight of me, and we both beam at each other.]

The Reverend: Welcome, family and friends, on this magical evening to the wedding of Kol Mikaelson and Cadance Roberts. Do you Kol take this lovely woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, till death do you part?

Kol: I do.

The Reverend: And Cadance do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, till death do you part?

Cadance: I do.

The Reverend: Cadance and Kol have prepared their own vows.

Kol: *Whispers* Want to go first?

Cadance: *Whispers* Sure. *To Kol and everyone* Kol, you have been my best friend since we were ten years old. The first day we met, I wanted to date you *Tears came down my face* but we were only 10. We hung out a lot and got to know each other a lot more. From then on, I knew that I wanted to marry you, but I was too afraid to ask you because I didn't know if you liked me the same way. Many girls from our village always flirted with you, which made me jealous because I thought you would have one of them be your first girlfriend. Once we were 12-years-old, you asked me to be your girlfriend on my birthday. I remember being so happy and excited, so I hugged you, and you hug me back by lifting me off the ground. After you asked me to be your girlfriend, I wondered when we could have our first kiss since we were basically dating now. On our 6 month anniversary, I turned my head because you called my name for something and that was when you kissed me! It was the best moment ever in my life! Well, one of the best moments. That first kiss ended up being the first make-out session we did in my room. Now 5 years later, I am marrying my best friend that I love so much! I had Bex writing it because I forgot to, but I told her all these things, and she cried her eyes out.

[After I read my speech, Kol and everyone else was crying with happy tears. Kol more I could tell he wanted to kiss me.]

The Reverend: Kol, it's your turn.

Kol: The first day that I met you, I thought you were the prettiest girl I ever met in the whole village. I am surprised that I didn't meet you sooner because our huts were next to each other. I get that every girl in our village wanted to be my girlfriend, but they were just annoying and not gorgeous like you. I was wondering when I would be getting a girlfriend, but luckily I found the perfect person for me to marry, and I am glad to say she is mine. I remember the first time you met my family, and it was not the best day to meet them because Henrik was fighting with Bex. He also was 8 at the time, but he didn't stop fighting with Bex, and you just adapt to the environment of my family so fast. I also remember the first time you met Bex; she became your best friend in less than an hour, and she always scares me at night to go to her room. I remember the first time when she told me to go to her room... I was so confused, but I always went, and once saw it was you, I kissed you and snuggled/cuddle you until we fell asleep. I can't wait to make more memories with you!

[Bex and Rosie came over with the rings and stood in the middle beside us. Kol and I grabbed the rings from the ring person.]

Kol: With this ring, I thee wed. *Places on her finger*

Cadance: *Chuckles* With this ring, I thee wed. *Places on his finger*

The Reverend: I with the power vested in me by how strong their love is, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

[Kol places both of his arms around my waist and comes towards me for a kiss. I placed my arms around his shoulders and kissed him back, playing with his long hair. Everyone that was watching stood up and clapped for us. Kol kissed me for a long time, not wanting to let go. Afterward, we walk off the aisle together as a married couple and to the party. We heard Elijah and Rebekah announcing people to come in. We were the last people to come in.]

Our wedding rings.

Our wedding rings

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