Chapter 12 - Madeline's actual party Part 3

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Kol's POV

Kol's room - 2 PM

Kol: *Stops kissing fiancé and yanks blankets to cover her* Who are... Wait... FINN BLANKET KNOCK!

Finn: I don't care if you're girl is naked in front of me.

Kol: What do you want? I am trying to spend time with my fiancé.

Finn: We have a huge problem outside of the hut where you left to have sex with her. Rebekah and Klaus filled me in on the details of what happened.

Kol: Finn, what do you mean a problem? My fiancé is sleeping, so I can't exactly move at this moment.

Finn: I rather not say what the problem is.

Kol: I can't wake...

Cadance's POV

[I woke up with Kol and Finn talking about something. I realize that Kol doesn't know that I am up, so I kissed his cheek, telling him I am up.]

Kol: Oh my god! Hey darling, did you get up?

Cadance: Yeah, hey Finn. What's wrong? *Snuggles up against Kol's chest*

Finn: Something is happening outside that both of you need to see now. Also Kol?

Kol: *Holds fiancé close to me* Fine, we will get up now. Also, what's up, Finn.

Finn: Do you care that your fiancé is so close to you and not giving you any space?

Kol: She is my fiancé, so why would I care if she is up against me this close. I like when she is close to me; she's warm.

Cadance: Plus, he is my best friend and everything else I want him to be; besides food.

Finn: Alright, whatever. Get ready; we need to outside and don't take too long.

[Finn left the room and closed the door behind him. Once he left the room, I got on Kol and kissed his soft lips until he got sick of me kissing him.]

Cadance: *Stops kissing him* Don't you care that I am kissing your lips constantly?

Kol: I don't really care; I love the feeling when you're kissing my lips. It's the best feeling ever, and I would never get sick of your kissing my lips.

Cadance: So you wouldn't care if I bit your lips? *Giggles*

Kol: *Chuckles* Not really, my love.

Cadance: *Kisses lips with a slight biting on his lower lip* I love you so much, Kol Mikaelson. *Lays head on chest*

Kol: *Places arms on her back* I love you more, Cadance Mikaelson. Just leave it. I rather call you that name.

Cadance: I wasn't going to say anything. I love when you call me that.

Kol: We should get going before Finn lose his patient.

Cadance: Do we have to? I like this moment we are in right now.

Kol: I do too, my love, but Finn is not a patient guy to keep waiting.

HIS EVERYTHING: KOL MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now