Chapter 10 - Madeline's actual party Part 1

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October 15th 1000

Rebekah's room - 9:33 AM

Cadance: Not yet since she is only 2 months. Bex, should we wrap Mad's present?

Rebekah: Good idea!

[Bex understands that I am not helping her wrap Madeline's present, but I tried to help while Rose crawled around. We started to wrap my older sister's gift, but Bex did most of the work since I was trying to get Rosie crawled to me a lot and she wanted to play. Then randomly, Kyle came into Bex's room.]

Kyle: Bex, Kol wants to come to your room.

Rebekah: He can come in; who said he couldn't?

Kyle: You did because you don't like your brothers in your room.

Rebekah: Kol is fine to go come in the room. He is Cadance's fiancé.

Kyle: Right... (To Kol) You can go into her room.

[Kol came over to me and sat on the floor and gave me a quick kiss but while he was doing that I saw that Rosie was playing with my long hair.]

Cadance: Isn't she cute Kol?

[Kol picked her up and placed her on him so he can hold her.]

Cadance: Kol, I can't wait until she walk!

Kol: It will come by fast since she is grow every day!

Rebekah: Umm, what's going on in here?

Cadance: Just talking about Rosie.

[Rosie looked at Bex wanted her to hold her.]

Rebekah: Oh my goodness! Rosetta wants to me go her!

[Esther then came in came hearing that Rosie wants Bex to hold her.]

Esther: Rosie loves being held by people.

Cadance: Yea!

Esther: That's great! Also the party is starting.

[I went over to Rebekah and picked up Rosie to start heading to the party since it was 10 AM. Kol then came over to me and placed his arm around my waist. Once we reached outside, Kol walked with me to a place where it was kind of quiet and hugged me while I was holding Rosetta while dancing.]

Dance floor - 10 AM

Kol: *Whispers* I can't believe she is now wanting to be held by your siblings, honey.

Cadance: *Whispers* I know, sweetheart.

Jessica: Kol?

[We walked off the dance floor to talk to this village girl who wanted Kol.]

Somewhere away from dance floor - 10:05 AM

Kol: Yes, Jessica?

Jessica: You know your the only cute guy at this party?

Kol: Umm... I guess... What about my twin brother? He is my identical twin brother.

Jessica: Nah, he is not that cute. You're a lot more attractive and sexier than Kyle.

Kol: Thanks? I guess... Also, where are you getting at?

Jessica: I want you to be my...

Cadance: *Whispers to Kol* Kol, she is in love with you!

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