Chapter 52. Chloe, he is dead.

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*That's how I imagine Alex and Isaac

Mention of death.

"These are difficult times we are living in."

The petite professor Mrs. Fellon states, looking at her students. Joanna can't stay focused on the lesson that's about to start as she stares out of the window.

"I can't seem to imagine how you might feel right now. But you all have to stay strong," Professor Fellon sits down and exhales, seeing all her students terrifying.

She is Professor Fuze's substitute teacher who was shot too on the day of the shooting.

"How is Mrs. Fuze?" a female student asks with bloodshot eyes.

"She is fine. You don't have to worry. She is doing ok."

"Can you say the same about the other people that got hurt?" Dora asks, and Joanna looks at her.

"Guys, except for the senior student that did not make it, we do not know if anyone passed away."

"What do you expect from us?" Joanna asks, looking at Mrs. Fellon as she stands up.

"Listen, it's hard to move on from what happened, but I need to"

"We need you to leave us alone," Seth says as he clenches his fists, "We don't want to know or hear anything."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. As hard as it is, we need to move on with the lesson. I'm sorry."

"No, you are not," everyone looks at Joanna, who blinks fast, "My friend is in the hospital right now, and I can't be there for her because I have to be here. I'm sorry but being with her while she is hurt is more important than being here. "

"I understand, Joanna-"

"No, you don't," Joanna stands up, and Alex's eyes widen.

Diego looks at her as he sits at the desk in the last row. It hurts him to see Joanna like that and not being able to comfort her.

"How am I suppose to tell my best friend that someone she cared about is gone? How am I suppose to live with what Harry did?" everyone looks at Joanna the moment Harry's name leaves her lips, and she looks back at them.

Guilt starts crawling up her throat as she looks at their faces. Her hand extends as she takes her bag and leaves the room.


Joanna sat on the toilet, throughout the whole period, and only when she heard the bell ring did she leave.

She walks to her locker when she sees a crowd of children gathered in front of a specific another.

She approaches the place and looks at the locker. She looks down as sounds from the shots and screams rings through her mind.

One hand rests on her shoulder, and she raises her head. From the first moment, she understands who it is without having to look.

"I'm so sorry, Jordan," Joanna touches Jordan's hand as she leans toward me.

"It's not your fault. My brother did that."

"If it weren't for me, Harry wouldn't do anything like that. How can you be by my side right now?"

Jordan turns her body towards him and rests his other hand on her shoulder.

"Believe me when I say that none of this is your fault."

"Zack was your friend, and now he is gone. You were so close. He was the first to approach you when you came to this school," Joanna begins to feel strange about how close Jordan is to her. It has been a long time since she felt his hands on her.

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