Chapter 17. A night out at the bar

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Beeb Beeb. That must be Alex. Chloe was finally convinced to give us a ride to the party. She picked Chloe 10 minutes ago from her house, and now they are here to pick me up.

I put on my red lipstick when I hear the horn again, and I run to the window. The lights of Alex's car bring a smile. I take my jacket off the chair and quickly go down the stairs. 

My mom comes out of the kitchen wearing her glasses. I guess she'll work until late again.

"Mom, don't work until late," I tell her and kiss her on the cheek.

"I still have work to do. You, don't come back late," I hear her say as I go to the door.

"I'll be back before you even realize that I am gone."

As soon as Chloe sees me, she gets out of the passenger seat and screams with joy. "Bitch, you are gorgeous," she shouts, making my eyes widen.

"Come in, and don't shout," Alex shouts and looks at Chloe.

"Don't tell me to not shout while you're doing it too," Chloe says at Alex making me laugh. Sometimes I forget that the two of them disagree on everything.

I noticed Chloe wearing a beautiful floral dress in shades of pink. Entering the car, I saw Alex wearing a pair of jeans and a green blouse. Green is her color. 

As for me, I decided to wear a red, casual dress that left my shoulders bare. It wasn't short; it reaches up to my knees. I left my hair falling over my shoulders.

"Are we ready?" Alex asks as Chloe and I put on our seat belts. A habit I have in my life for a long time now.

"Did I mention that the party will have live music?" Chloe asks happily and looks at me in the mirror.

"No, but it sounds interesting," I say and look at Alex through the mirror.

"Anything else you didn't tell us?" Alex asks, tapping her fingers lightly on the steering wheel.

"I have fake IDs with me. If you want to drink something... a better juice," Chloe says, as she takes three IDs out of her white bag and winking at us.

"Hide them, and I never want to see them again," Alex says with her mouth open in shock.

"Alex, don't be so harsh," I say and laugh while looking at Chloe.

"But fake IDs? I don't do such things."


A few minutes later, we are standing outside of the bar. Before entering, I saw on the glass door a poster. Approaching it, I frown as I read the name of the band that is singing tonight.

"Tough guys... tough guys? Is that, really, the name of the band?" I ask, looking at Chloe.

"I have no idea. But look, underage are allowed until 11," Chloe says happily, and I see Alex taking a deep breath.

"I'm sure we're going to have a great time today," Alex says, ironically as Chloe grabs her arm and drags her inside.

Tough guys? I think it's a band that plays metal music. I have no problem with any genre of music. I hear everything if I like the song. But I know that Alex will be angry with us for a long time after this night.

I enter the bar, and my eyes widen, seeing so many people. The place was a bit big, and I start looking around for my friends. But after a while, I see Chloe waving at me, making me start walking toward them.

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