Chapter 1. The one they fear the most.

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Hello everyone, and welcome to my first story, Wrong Words. This story contains violence, sex, strong language, mental illness, mention of bullying and actions, and others.

I don't support any of these violent actions, and everything I write is fiction.

Enjoy the journey through romance, violence, and traumatic experiences.

Check out the story from AshlynForge. I am grateful for her comments about this chapter. It will help me make this chapter better.

Joanna's pov

Waking up to go to school is the easiest and hardest thing at the same time. For most teenagers, school is something unnecessary. People say that life gives the best lessons, so why does the school exist? 

Does it exist to get in touch with our friends? To socialize? We can do that outside of school. Does it exist to get in touch with older, mature people? Our teachers?

Life gives the best lessons, yes, but school teaches the students how to overcome difficulties cleverly or what they need to think before talking. Not directly, but you get my point.

 Reading is about being open-minded. We learn about wars and civil wars between countries not just to memorize them but to not make the same mistakes as our ancestors.

The door to my room opens suddenly, making me close the laptop. I look at my mom, who sticks her head into my room, pressing my lips together. She is doing that all the time and still doesn't get that I don't like it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know you've told me to knock. I wanted to see if you woke up," my mom says in her sweet and thin voice.

"I'm awake, mom. I'll be down in a bit," I reply, and my mom smiles. She does that a lot after my dad left. Leaving us made my mother happier.

"Great. I'll be waiting for you. Don't be late sweetheart," she closes the door, and I hear her walking down the stairs.

Opening the laptop again, I save the article I wrote and upload it as I do every morning on the "Bison's students' thoughts website. It is the unofficial student's website at my school. 

Everyone can enter anonymously and write down their thoughts or comment on something that happened at school.

There are people like me on the website who want to express their opinions on issues. But unfortunately, others use it to gossip and bully the students they don't like. 

That's the worst thing. The words can do more damage to someone than the kicks and punches.

I leave the laptop aside, get out of bed, open my closet, and grab two random clothes, a simple pair of jeans and a black blouse with Hogwarts on the back.

 I smile at the thought of my favorite movie. I get inspired by Harry Potter, he was just a teenage boy when he was forced to face an evil person, and he did it. He was strong, yes, but nothing would have happened if he was all alone.

I step out of my pajamas and put them on the bed. As I am about to put my clothes on, I see myself in the closet mirror. I see my brown hair in a messy bun and my cheeks that have their familiar pink color. 

I look at my body, and I notice the little hickey on my chest. I feel goosebumps as my fingers touch it gently.

My smile makes its way on my face as a memory from last night comes to my mind. It's like I can feel his hands on my body again and his lips on my lips. I close my eyes and bite my lip for a second. 

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