𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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you sat down awkwardly on opposite side of the couch to Eren, who was scrolling through tiktok, and turned on the tv and began flicking through netflix. you could tell Eren didn't like the fact that you asked him that question. you choose a show to put on before building up the courage to talk to Eren.

"hey." your voice was really quiet. Eren looked up at the tv and noticed you put on 'how to get away with murder', my favourite netflix show, he smiled to himself.

"hi." he turned to face you.

"was i wrong to ask you how many bodies you have?" you moved in a little bit closer to him.

Eren copied your movement. "no, it's just...i don't like talking about the past. my last girlfriend fucked me up pretty bad."

"i'm sorry."

"don't be. it's not your fault." you both were now besides each other. Eren gripped your thigh gently to close the space in between and gave you a smile in which you returned. "i like you y/n."

"i like you too, Eren." you took his hand off of your thigh and held it in your own. you looked at Eren with pleading eyes, asking for a kiss. the brunette understood and leaned in, softly attaching his lips onto yours.

you shifted under the weight of Eren as he got on top of you, hands holding firm onto your waist as the kiss intensifies. your own hands attached themselves onto his neck, fingertips playing with his hair just above his nape. your thighs squeezed Eren's sides just a little, forcing him closer to you. the kiss began to get sloppy, both of your tongues fighting for control causing the moment to become heated. Eren parted from your lips and worked his way to your neck, peppering wet kisses across your jaw down to your collar bone. this resulted into spontaneous, gentle moans escaping your mouth.

"you look so sexy, d'you know that." Eren spoke between kisses. your hands had now reached to the top of Eren's brown silky hair, carefully stroking it as he pleasured your neck. his manbun became loose due to your gripping so you removed his hair tie and let his soft locks fall, tickling your face and chest ever so gently. Eren lifted his head up to look at you, your brown eyes became heavy once they met his greeen orbs. a smile appeared on Eren's face. seeing you like this, so relaxed because of him made him warm and content inside. you smiled back at him, moving some of his hair away from the front of his eyes.

"you look pretty like this." you hummed. you continued to run your hands through Eren's hair as he gave you a peck on the lips before laying his head on your chest, facing the tv.

you guys watched a couple of episodes in silence, matching your breathing with each others. the stroking of his hair was rather comforting for Eren, feeling at ease in your arms. you were becoming a safe place for him in such a small amount of time.

however, he felt off balanced, and it was his fault.

he was initially acting on old habits and temptations but after getting to know you, he realised he will probably mess up whatever you guys had if he continues. and what you guys had was good, it was refreshing. quite frankly you were the first girl not to hop straight onto his dick and he liked that. you weren't easy and most importantly, you weren't temporary.

i'm not good enough for her. he could hear your faint giggles but was focusing more on your heartbeat. i can't break her, i'm not allowed. if i do, i'll be dead. upon remembering that Mikasa had warned him, Eren started questioning himself, was he capable of having something serious again? was he capable of loving you no matter what? was he willing to let his guard down, for you? the self doubt started to form storms in his mind. i need to think about this, talk it over with Armin, he'll have some good advice.

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