Volume Two, Chapter Six

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The man walked to the girl's room quickly, it was clear the girl had not bothered to take the key from her door earlier. Despite this, there was no one inside the room. He swiftly opened the door, letting a rush of air into the room. Inside the room there was a poster on the wall which flapped noisily.

"... Why, why did she have to be out now?" He had told her to stay put, even when she had nothing to do - without realising it he felt like shouting obscenities at her.

That being said, the man had fully realised that there would have been no sense to be drawn from his words if he had done so. No matter what he said to her - that girl would just forget everything.

Letting out a large sigh, Matsuda Yasuke dropped his line of sight to where his hands were. His hands remained scrunched into tight fists. No matter how many times he tried to relax them, it was impossible. He had lost feeling in them long before, he could still feel Murasame Soushun's neck squeezed between his hands.

Murasame Soushun's sore, red eyes flashed through his mind suddenly. He squeezed his fists more - it was like his hands were still wrapped around the boy's neck, suffocating him of air.

"Why... did she have to be out now...?" He whispered in a much weaker tone than before as he left the room.

He exited the dormitory and soon Matsuda found himself heading towards the biology building in the east district. If he were her then he would be there. There wouldn't be another place a girl who had forgotten everything would be.

It wasn't even the height of summer yet but already the back of Matsuda's dirty shirt was drenched in sweat. Covered in perspiration, he felt like he was as heavy as lead. It should have taken around ten minutes to reach the biology building on a normal day, but this time it took at least twice the amount of time.

Even so, Matsuda somehow finally reached the biology building. Looking like a broken wind-up toy, he scaled the stairs in a strange, awkward waddle and within a few minutes was standing in front of the neurology research facility.

As he took a deep breath in he roughly opened the door.

He looked into the room with hope.

However, there was no one there.

It was still too early to be discouraged by this but an uncomfortable feeling stirred in him. What happened here?

It had not been hidden well, there were traces of vandalism in there, on the desk, on the bed, all over the laboratory.

Don't tell me...

His expression changed as he quickly hurried over to the bed - Something moved under it, as if it had anticipated his actions.

"Who's there?!" As he instinctively raise his voice, he reached down and raised the bed sheet...

He saw a girl under the bed.

Matsuda felt his stab of anxiety ease with some relief. But within the next moment, that relief was blown away, like an explosion. Matsuda saw the bed thrown into the air. It drifted through the air, looking as though it was much lighter than what it truly was and soon began to spin around in a dizzying motion. After spun for an inconceivable amount of time it finally fell to the ground, like gravity had at last remembered it existed. The bed sheets, still inMatsuda's hand and flipped upwards and lightly grazed against his nose and floated back down to the ground.

A deep rumbling echoed through the room.

After the rumbling had come to a stop, Matsuda heard a voice, or more specifically, Matsuda heard a laugh.

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