johnny - late night

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a/n: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K READS!! this means so much to me, you have no idea. thank you all and i hope you enjoy my stories 🥺 💚

word count: 1045 words
in which your boyfriend returns home late after a night out with his friends, and you get annoyed with his lack of communication with you.



It was almost 1 AM, and Johnny still hadn't returned back from dinner with the rest of NCT. You knew that you didn't need to worry. Johnny was responsible, but you couldn't but worry as his girlfriend.

Why wasn't he back yet? Was he in trouble? Maybe Taeyong dragged him to the recording studio like he usually does.

You had been waiting up for him even though he told you to get some rest. Lying down on the couch with a drama playing on the TV, you felt your eyelids suddenly get heavier. You let out a yawn and looked at your phone. 12:56 AM. You sighed and just placed your phone down, leaving your ringer on so you could hear if Johnny called you.

Trying to concentrate on the drama, your eyelids got even heavier and you told yourself that you would just rest your eyes when you fell asleep. 


Johnny's POV

I slowly opened the door to my apartment room with Y/N, trying not to wake her if she was actually sleeping as I had advised her to. I waved goodbye to Jungwoo and Taeil holding up a drunk, and giggling, Jaehyun, and laughed as I quietly closed the door and took my shoes off.

I walked into the living room to see Extraordinary You playing on the TV with Y/N fast asleep on the couch. I smiled as I walked over to her and sat down on the couch next to her. As I slowly stroked her hair, I laughed at how cute she looked with her mouth slightly open and sleeping soundly.

For a moment I was in complete serenity. Completely forgetting about the upcoming comeback and the stress that came from preparing for it. Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at me, a smile plastered on my face.

"What the hell?" she muttered to herself as she sat up on the couch, grabbing her phone that read 1:27 AM. "And where were you, mister?"

I laughed at her stern expression with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised. "You're honestly too cute for your own good, babe."

This managed to make her blush until she spoke up again. "Shut up. I know I'm cute, but where were you?" I chuckled and grabbed her hand, drawing circles on the back of it on her soft skin.

"With the boys," I started to explain. "After we had dinner, Jaehyun got a little too drunk. We walked back to the recording studio where he lay down for a bit before we could bring him home. So we just kinda chilled in the recording studio."

"You could've called me," she said, pouting. "I was getting worried."

I gave her forehead a peck and hugged her. "Sorry. I'll remember next time. I promise." I pouted back at her which made her give me soft smile, melting my heart. "Let's get you to bed."

She closed her eyes as I carried her to the bedroom, tucking her in under the warm sheets. I gave her a kiss on her forehead once again and smiled at how adorable she looked. As I turned to go shower, I felt a hand tug the back of my shirt. I looked back to see Y/N with her arms outstretched.

"Cuddles?" she asked in a tired, small voice. 

"I promise we will, babe," I said chuckling at her needy state. "Just let me shower first."

She nodded as I grabbed a towel and walked into the shower, turning the hot water on with a smile plastered on my face.



After twenty minutes, you felt the bed dip. Without even flipping around to face him, you knew it was Johnny by the way he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer toward his warm body. As he buried his face in the crook of your neck, you felt him smile. He smelt like bubbles and flowers which engulfed you soothingly.

"Good shower?" you asked, almost in a whisper.

He just groaned as an answer, sending vibrations through your neck, slightly tickling you.

"You smell good," you said, holding his hands under the covers of the warm bed.

"I always smell good." Chuckling at his words, you turned to face him. Smiling at his perfect features fully relaxed with his eyes closed, you started tracing his face. Every line, every crevice, every feature. When you got to his nose, he scrunched it. "It tickles."

You giggled and stroked his soft brown hair and smiled at his gentle face. He leaned in and pecked your lips as you two both shared a smile. His hands tightened around yours like if he let go, he would lose you forever.

"Please don't be late again," you said, struggling to keep your eyes open as you were so tired waiting up for him.

"I promise," he chuckled out and touched your nose with his. "Do you have work tomorrow?" You shook your head as he sighed with relief. "I don't have anything tomorrow until a 5 pm dance practice. Shall we sleep in tomorrow?"

Sleeping in was a gift that you two rarely got. In fact, waking up with each other was a rare gift since you two were so busy with schedules and work that one or the other of you would have to get up earlier than the other to leave. So, when Johnny offered a sleep-in meaning that you two would wake up together, you couldn't say anything else but yes.

He smiled as put his head back into the crook of your neck, giving your neck small kisses every now and then while drawing circles on the back of your hand until you started to feel sleepy in utter serenity.

"I love you," you whispered to Johnny.

"I always love you more," he replied in a soft, croaky voice which always calmed you down whenever he sang with that vocal tone.

You felt so at peace in his arms. You felt your breath and his being almost synchronized with his body close to yours, entangling your hand with his own and holding you closer to him with his other one. 

If this was how late nights with him would end, you definitely wanted more late nights like this. 

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