jeno - biking

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word count: 1014 words
plot: in which your boyfriend drags you out to go biking with him, but it doesn't turn out as bad as you thought it would.


"Do I have to come?" you sighed from your comfortable spot on the couch.

"Yes," your boyfriend, Jeno, said while opening the curtains as you squinted your eyes in annoyance to block the blinding sun. "Besides, when was the last time we went on a cute date together?"

"Cute?" you said, finally giving in and getting up from the couch. "Jeno, I think it's cute to go to the movies; not ride bikes for 25 kilometres in this freezing weather."

"Come on! It's literally only 20 kilometres and the best time to ride a bike during winter so you don't sweat," he said, rather convincingly but you stood your ground.

"But I don't want to freeze!" you whined as he just came up to you, lifted you off the ground and carried you to the bedroom to get changed. "Hey!" you laughed as he plopped you onto the bed while he searched your wardrobe for clothes.

"Here," he chucked you a pair of leggings, a top and a jacket. "It'll be fun! Please?" he whined as he gave you puppy eyes.

"Fine," you rolled your eyes with a smile as you got up to the bathroom to get changed after seeing a satisfied Jeno leave the room.


Panting as you cycled up a hill, you tried to catch up with Jeno who was clearly too fast for you. You were halfway through the 20 kilometres and you felt like taking a shower, wearing some warm clothes, and watching Netflix in bed. 

A couple of minutes later, you two arrived at a small pit stop for bikers on the long trail. Begging for Jeno to pull over and take a break, you parked your bike on one of the stands and wobbled off of it. Seeing your unstable state, Jeno offered you his arm as you two walked into a cafe. 

As soon as the doors opened, the warm air and the smell of fresh coffee and cakes hit you. You melted into the scent as you walked over to a table with Jeno.

"Don't eat too much," Jeno warned, looking through the menu. "Or else you'll get a stomach ache on the bike." Sighing, you nodded. Your stomach growled quite loudly as Jeno just laughed while you turned pink with embarrassment. "Okay, maybe we'll take a longer break, so you can eat properly."

With a small giggle and a grateful smile, you thanked him and scanned through the menu. 


"Here you go," the waitress said, handing your warm coffees to you two, each topped with cream and cocoa powder. Next, she placed Jeno's croissant and your scone on the table. Eyeing the food, you couldn't wait to stuff your face. The buttery smell of the food and the warm scent of the coffee sent a jolt of joyous epiphany through your body. 

You thanked the waitress as she left and met Jeno's smiling gaze. With a grin on both of your faces, you dived into the food and melted in your seats. 

"Maybe the bike ride was worth it," you thought to yourself with a smile. 

"I love coming down here," Jeno said, rather abruptly which made you look at him from your scone. He was staring out at the Han River situated right outside the cafe. 

You gazed at the cyclists riding by the path while the sun stood high in the sky and gentle winds blew through the hair of a group of teenagers walking by the river together. You spotted a couple, a little older than yourself and Jeno, smiling and walking hand-in-hand, gazing at each other momentarily with that loving look that you find in rom-com films. You stared at seabirds who were feeding on bread that children tossed at them with giddy joy. 

With a smile, you nodded. "It truly is beautiful here," you stated, still mesmerised by the beauty you failed to see while you were struggling to ride your bike on your way up.

"It's like my safe place," Jeno said, still gazing out at the river with a sentimental smile of some sort. "I love riding my bike up here. I only bring the people who are the most special to me up here."

At those words, you turned to face Jeno. "Really?" he met your gaze with a smile as he sheepishly nodded.

"In fact, you're the only person I've ever brought up here. To this very spot; this very cafe."

Your eyes widened at that statement. You were positive that he went cycling with Jaemin up here before. "What about Jaemin? I thought you guys came here?"

"Nope," he shook his head. "I took a detour and went around the long way. This is like my special little spot. People barely come up to this cafe, so I like it here best. I can work well here without getting noticed or interrupted. Not even my family or any of the other members have been up here before. Just you."

You couldn't help but welcome a smile onto your face as you placed your hand gently upon his in the table. "I love you," you whispered, loud enough so only he could hear in the cozy, little cafe.

"I love you, too," he whispered back to you with a timid grin on his face.


"We made it!" you shouted as a hurrah while you scampered off of the bike toward the Han River, Jeno following closely behind.

Grabbing your phone out, you snapped a couple of photos of the beautiful scenery in front of you until you felt two arms snake around your waist. Hugging you from behind, you felt Jeno placed his chin on the nook of your neck and hold you closer to him as he radiated warmth onto your once cold body.

"We made it," Jeno said, kissing your cheek as you two just stared out at the sun setting over the ripples on the Han River. "Do you want to go for another ride later?"

You thought about it for a moment until a smile emerged on your face, remembering how the good memories of today heavily outweighed the bad ones and you uttered, "Yes."

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