doyoung/jaehyun - his hoodie

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word count: 1184 words
plot: in which you come home wearing your friend's hoodie and your boyfriend realises that it's not his.


You shivered as you waited at the bus stop. The chill weather made you regret forgetting your jacket at home. You crossed your arms as a feeble attempt to warm yourself up as you breathed up, your breath clearly being seen in the cold air. Sighing to yourself and your idiocy, you shivered and waited helplessly for your bus to arrive, staring at the starry night sky.

"Y/N?" you turned around to see your friend, Jaehyun, walking up toward you. He took his Airpods out to talk to you. "What are you doing out? It's late and freezing."

"Yeah," I shivered, "I had a business dinner. My boyfriend couldn't pick me up since he was busy with work too, so I'm stuck taking the bus."

"Don't you have a hoodie or something?" Jaehyun walked up to you, looking concerned at your shuddering state. 

"Forgot it at home," I hit my head, hinting at my stupidity. 

"Ah," he groaned, looking sympathetic. Suddenly, he took off his backpack and started to take off his hoodie.

Stopping him almost immediately, you looked up at him in confusion. "What are you doing? You'll freeze."

"I've got another jacket in my bag," he said, continuing to take off his hoodie, "I'll be fine."

Handing the hoodie to you, you reluctantly took it from Jaehyun after realising that you were numb from the cold, needing warmth immediately. "Thank you," you mumbled as you put the hoodie over your head. "How do I give it back to you though?"

"Just keep it," he smiled at you. "You need it more than I do." At this comment, you opened your mouth to protest, but he put a finger against it and shook his head. "Seriously, it's fine. I have tons of hoodies at home. Do you need a ride home? It doesn't look like the bus is coming anytime soon."

Looking around at the empty street which made you feel somewhat unsafe, you nodded. "If that's alright with you. I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience to you or your girlfriend or something."

"Girlfriend? No one's waiting for me at home other than my ramen which I'm looking forward to eating. Seriously, it's fine; you're not an inconvenience. I just want you to be safe."

With a grateful smile, you walked with him to his car as you laughed along the way to random stories you told one another. 


As you two pulled up to your driveway, you saw your boyfriend, Doyoung, in the living room, frantically scrolling through his phone. He saw the headlights of Jaehyun's car, saw your face and immediately ran out to greet you. You and Jaehyun stepped out of the car, meeting Doyoung at the front door. He hugged you with a smile on his face which quickly vanished when he saw Jaehyun. Looking him up and down and then gazing at the foreign hoodie that you were wearing, his gaze turned hurt and cold quickly. 

"Who's this, Y/N?" he said with a fake smile to greet Jaehyun.

"I'm Jaehyun," Jaehyun extended his arm which Doyoung took after some hesitation. "I'm Y/N's friend; we go to the same yoga class on weekends. I just gave her a ride home since her bus was late and it was cold out."

"Thank you, Jae," Doyoung's ears perked up at the sudden nickname that slipped out of your mouth. You pulled Jaehyun into a grateful hug while Doyoung poked at his cheeks with his tongue, trying not to make a scene out of jealousy. 

"I'll be off," Jaehyun said, unlocking his car as you waved. "Gotta get home to my ramen."

With a laugh, he drove off, leaving you with a smile. You hugged Doyoung once more with a smile. However, Doyoung's nose was filled with another man's cologne from Jaehyun's hoodie that was still on you. "I was worried. Why didn't you call? I could've picked you up instead of Jaehyun."

You laughed at Doyoung's pouting state. "I thought you were still at work. You usually work late on Thursday nights, and I didn't want to bother you. Come on, I'm tired."

You dragged Doyoung through the door, hand-in-hand, and lead him to the living room where the TV was already open with your favourite drama on. You and Doyoung sat on the couch as you snuggled closer to Doyoung's warm body, engulfed in warmth. Resting your head on his chest, you couldn't feel his arm around your waist like he normally did when you two were cuddling. You looked up at him. He was staring at your arm for some strange reason. As you looked down at your arm, you realised that he was looking at what was covering your arm; not your arm itself.

"Oh," you said, realising he was just jealous that you were wearing Jaehyun's hoodie. You pulled his hoodie over your head and tossed it to the other end of the couch. You could see some satisfaction shining through on Doyoung's face even though he tried not to show it. You laughed at his prideful state and hit his chest playfully.

"You still smell like him though," Doyoung pouted. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. He ran into the laundry room with no warning and came out with three hoodies in his arms. "Here," he tossed them all onto the coffee table in front of you with a grin plastered on his face, "choose which one you want to wear."

"The blue one," you giggled, clutching his hoodie with happiness as you slipped it on. "Yours are always the comfiest out of anyone else's."

"I know," he said smugly with a chuckle. Wrapping his arms around your waist as he normally did, you felt completely comfortable as the soft fabric of his hoodie kept you warm while his muscular arms held you safely. You were engulfed in his comforting and snug scent as you melted in his arms. 

"You're holding me so tightly," you laughed, your fingers drawing circles on the backs of his hands which rested on your stomach, comfortably.

"Well," he said, placing his chin in the crook of your neck, "since you smell like that other guy, I need to hug you tight to get you to smell like me again." He planted soft kisses on your neck as you closed your eyes with a smile.

"I love you," you whispered as moved his kisses up to your jawline and cheek.

"I love you more," he smiled, placing a long, soft kiss on your lips.

At that moment, you knew that all you needed was Doyoung. His hoodies, his embrace, his kisses; they were all you needed to feel warm inside.

You decided that the next time you saw Jaehyun, you would kindly return his hoodie, thanking him for the kind action but explaining that you had plenty of comfortable hoodies to wear at home.

Except you didn't mention that all of those hoodies were Doyoung's, but you knew he wouldn't mind.

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