The Devil

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Pheonix's POV

The girl, who was driving like there is no tomorrow, towards the hospital looked like blood had just drained out of her lovely face.

Her beautiful face stained with tears. But she could just care less about her looks now.

Once she reached the hospital, she hurriedly ran towards the reception.

"I am here for Kim Jennie. Can you tell where is she?" she managed to say between her tears.

"Just a moment." The receptionist said, checking for any patient named Kim Jennie.

Jisoo waited for the receptionist to answer, her patience running out.

"Please hurry." She mumbled, quietly.

"Ah yes, you can find her in room no. 303 in the third floor."

After hearing the information, Jisoo dash to the elevator.

But god seemed to be angry with her today, the elevator was already closed and it went off.

She couldn't just wait for the next elevator and waste her time when she knew that her sister is in a critical condition.

"For fvck's sake, why is this happening all together to me at the same time."

Jisoo cursed.

"I can't wait here." She last said before going for the stairs.

Her short legs weren't much of a help, she was tired.

Who wouldn't be? Climbing to the third floor using the fvcking stairs.

She lastly reached her destination and directly went for Room No.303

And there she was greeted with the most painful sight.

Her sister, Kim Jennie, lying in the hospital bed, lifeless. Oxygen pipes attached to her, supporting her lifeless body. The cardiac monitor that stood beside her bed, showed her heart beat that was dropping every second.

Doctors and nurses checking her condition.

Tears stream down her face as she walk to the doctor.

"How is she?" She hiccuped between her tears.

"May I know who you are?" The doctor replied.

"I am her sister. How is she?" Jisoo re-phrase the same question she asked before.

"She don't have much time left. We tried our best but now we have to wait to see if she will live." The doctor replied, making Jisoo feel worse.

"Is there no way to save. Like, transplanting any organs or something?" Jisoo said crying hysterically.

"Transplanting any oragns won't work. Her body is already really weak, the transplanting operations will be hard for her body. I am afraid she won't be able to stand it."

The world came crashing towards Jisoo.

The doctors and the nurses went out.

Jisoo took small steps towards her beloved sister. She sat beside Jennie's bed and took her hands in hers.

Jisoo gave her a small smile "I will find the best doctor to save you. I don't care about the cost and all, the only thing matters to me is that you live. I will save you at any cost."

But the sight of her sister lying so quietly made her feel terrible.

Even if she tried of thinking positive, the negative thoughts came running to her mind. Her imagination was getting the worse.

When she no longer could hold back, she ran.

She ran towards the hospital terrace, crying like a maniac.

She went towards the edge of the terrace.

"Can't you make my life a little better." Kim Jisoo cried as she hold onto the railings of the terrace.

She cried loudly, cursing her life as she plead god to make her life a little better, but she didn't knew that this time, her plea was not unheard but unfortunately it wasn't heard by the god but the devil itself.

"I can help you." A voice said from behind. A deep and husky voice.

Jisoo turn around and looked at the man infront of her dressed in black.

"Who are you and how can you help me?" Jisoo ask the man as she stared at him weirdly.

"Well....I am the devil." The man replied.

"I am not in the mood to joke." Jisoo said, wiping her tears away. Ready to go back.

But she halt in her steps when the man revealed his wings. Beautiful and majestic black wings.

 Beautiful and majestic black wings

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Jisoo's eyes widen.

"Must be fake wings." She tried to make excuses, ignoring the fact that the wings came out of thin air.

"Its not fake. Its real, you can touch it if you want to." The devil again said.

Jisoo's eyes widen again, "how did he heard my thoughts. I said it in my mind." She thought.

"I can read your mind." The Devil said again.

"Are you really a devil?" Jisoo ask, unsure.

"You want me to prove it to you?" The devil smirk. His smirk, it looked so evil.

And in the next moment, Jisoo found herself infront of Jennie. The cardiac monitor was beeping loudly. Doctor and nurses were trying to wake her up and in the corner Jisoo could see herself crying.

Jisoo wasn't understanding what was happening but it was terrifying her.

"STOP IT!" she yelled.

And in the next moment, she was again in the terrace. The Devil infront of her, smirking.

"W-what was that?" Jisoo ask terrified about what she witnessed. She was still in shock.

"I just showed you the result if you don't take my help."

Jisoo couldn't understand his answer.

"What do you mean?" She ask.

"I will make your life better but in return what will you give me?" Taehyung, smiled at Jisoo ever so evilly.

"What do you want?" Jisoo replied back, this desperate she was that she was ready to give anything.

"Very well then, how about you sell me your soul?" Taehyung smirk at her.

Jisoo thought for a moment before saying, "I will."

Not knowing that, this decision of her's will be the biggest mistake she has ever made.


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