Love & Desperation

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Phoenix's POV

Jisoo slowly fluttered her eyes open before closing it again due to the blinding lights.

She took her time adjusting to the lights and once she did, she look around to recognize the place.

She look at herself just to find herself dressed in hospital dress.

"Taehyung?!" She remembered.

Tears started flowing from her pretty eyes like waterfall. She buried herself between her palms as she cried uncontrollably.

The door open.

The person freak out seeing the girl crying like there's no tomorrow.

"Unnie!" Jennie panic, running towards her Jisoo unnie.

The things she brought now forgotten on the ground.

"Unnie. Whats wrong? Are you hurting anywhere? Tell me. I will make the pain disappear." Jennie tried to console the older, embracing her figure.

Jisoo slowly look towards Jennie.

"I miss him Jennie yah." Jisoo slowly hug her sister.


Phoenix's POV

3 Days Later.

Jisoo was doing fine now. Fine physically not mentally.

Do you really think she can move on from Taehyung?

A day didn't pass without the girl thinking about Taehyung.

Jennie tried to find out what happened between Taehyung and Jisoo but whenever she mentioned his name, Jisoo turned gloomy so she decided not to ask her anymore about it.

"By the way nini. Who brought me to the hospital?" Jisoo ask Jennie.

"Ah. It was a guy. What was his name?" Jennie tried to remember the name "something kook--"


"Ah yes. He brought you here."

"I didn't even got the chance to thank me." Jisoo thought.

"I think I will resume going to the office from tomorrow."

"Too soon unnie. Rest for more days." Jennie pout.

Jisoo chuckle.

"I am fine now."

Fine? Really?

Jisoo's POV

I stared at the file blankly.

"Jisoo unnie!" Chaeyoung voice echoed through the room.

I flinch.

"Yes Chaeyoung ah?"

"I have been calling you for 4 times already. Are you not feeling okay. Should I arrange the car for you to go home?" Chaeyoung said, worriedly.

"No. I am fine Chaeyoung ah."

"If you say so." Chaeyoung said, but from her tone it was clear that she wasn't convinced at all.

"Here is your coffee." Chaeyoung hand me the coffee before going out of the office.

I sigh, placing down the file I was holding.

I took a sip of the coffee when my eyes fell into the photo frame that I kept on the table.

I smile seeing the photo.

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