The Final Week

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Phoenix's POV


"Babe. Are you ready?" Taehyung cooed at his girlfriend.

"Almost." Jisoo said, placing the last piece of sandwich inside the basket.

"Yes. We are ready. Lets go jagi." Jisoo look towards Taehyung.

The couple were going for picnic.

"My baby is so pretty." Taehyung said with honey-dripping eyes making Jisoo flustered.

"Yah! You haven't changed at all. Always starting with random flirting." Jisoo blush.

Taehyung chuckle at her adorable face.


Phoenix's POV


"Babe. Can we go to the orphanage. Pretty please." Jisoo requested, sitting on Taehyung's lap.

"What do you wanna do there?" Taehyung ask, which was followed by a peck.

"I wanna play with the kids there. We can bring gifts for them." Jisoo excitedly said making Taehyung's heart melt with her cuteness.

"Then should we get going?"

To which, Jisoo nodded like a puppy.


Phoenix's POV


"What does my queen wants to do today?" Taehyung ask, scooping Jisoo into his arms.

Jisoo made herself comfortable in his arms.

"Lets walk on the shore of the beach. During tge sunset." Jisoo said.


Phoenix's POV


It was only two before Jisoo dies, well unless Taehyung gives her soul back to her.

The couple was aware of it but ignoring the storm that was at the coast.

Both had one common thought running on their mind which was,

"I have to save Taehyung."

"I have to save Jisoo."

But the probability of Taehyung dying was much greater than of Jisoo.

Their future. It was so scary.

Jisoo was just watering the plants when something struck her.

Wishes! Taehyung has the capability of granting her wishes.

She ran towards Taehyung.

"Taehyung ah. You grant me wishes."

Taehyung exhibit a look of confusion but nodding, anyways.

"Then, I wish that you can turn into a human."

Taehyung just smile at her.

"If that was possible, wouldn't I have done that the first time, I fell in love with you."


Phoenix's POV


"Taehyung ah. I want to meet all my friends today." Jisoo said with a rather afraid expression.

Taehyung's gaze turn dark at the statement.

"Jisoo yah. Don't talk as if you are gonna die. I will save you. At any cost." Taehyung carssessed Jisoo's cheeks.

Jisoo's eyes were getting teary now.

"How are you gonna save me? By dissipating your own existence? I-i can't l-live without you T-taehyung ah." Jisoo was crying now.

Tears flowing continuously from her doe-like eyes.

"Trust me Jisoo yah." Taehyung now lean in for a kiss.

The kiss was as if, they are gonna get separated anytime soon.

Jisoo kiss Taehyung back with the same fire he was giving her before the couple soon found its way to the bed.


Phoenix's POV


The couple woke up next to each other, naked.

Once they woke up, they smile to each other which was followed by their morning routine and breakfast.

They didn't let go of each other for the whole day.

And as if time had pass as water, it was soon the night time.

The clock showed, 11:50 pm.

Jisoo hold onto Taehyung, crying like a lunatic.

Taehyung just smile sadly at Jisoo, crying too.

"Live you life to the fullest Jisoo yah." He said before returning back her soul.

"Don't d-disappear T-taehyung ah." Jisoo's voice hitch from the crying.

Taehyung smile on last time, before disappearing into thin air.

Jisoo broke down.

She grab her hair as she cried.

"Come back Taehyung ah."

were her last words before she pass out.


Sorry for not updating for so many days but I was really sick and just recovered a few days ago and then I got busy with my school works.

Teachers are showing no mercy on us.

But anyways, late night updates. Its 1:28 am in here. Good night.

And also, two more chapters to go.

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