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Jisoo's POV

I woke up beside Jennie.

My hands holding hers.

I thought about yesterday's night event.

Was it all a dream?

"It wasn't a dream." The familiar voice said from behind.

I flinch.

"Did you read my thoughts again?" I ask the guy sitting infront of me, who was smirking.

"Well...I did."

"Can you stop reading my thoughts. Its not a good thing you know."

"I am a devil. I don't go around doing good things." He replied.

I roll my eyes "Whats your name?"

"Why do you wanna know?" He fired back.

"There should be something that I can address you with. Or do you wanna always be called yah or hey." I stated the obvious.

"Kim Taehyung."

"Since you have tell me yours, I will tell you mine." I said.

"I didn't ask though." Taehyung snapped back.

"I am Kim Jisoo." I said anyway.

Taehyung chuckle.

Just then I noticed. His wings?

"Where are your wings?" I ask him.

"I hid them. Don't you think, common people will freak out seeing a handsome man goung around with wings in his back." Taehyung answered.

Quiet Reasonable.

"Were you crying for her yesterday?" Taehyung ask, eyeing Jennie.

Jisoo look towards Jennie "I can do anything to save her."

"Well, you already did save her." Taehyung suddenly said.

I look towards Taehyung.

"Huh?" I raise my brow in pure confusion.

"You sold your soul to me yesterday, remember?" Taehyung said.

I nod my head as a reply.

"Well, since you sold your soul to me, I can grant your wishes till you are alive." Taehyung said making me wide eyes.

"Then does that mean, Jennie will live." I said, my words sounded excited even to my own ears.

Taehyung smirk before his eyes dart towards Jennie.

I look at him confused.

What is he doing?

"You have sleep enough, wake up." Taehyung said.

I knitted my eyesbrow in confusion.

Is he talking to me? But if he is talking to me why isn't he looking towards me.

"I am not talking to you. I am talking to the one lying in the bed." Taehyung said.

There he is reading my thoughts again.

"Can you stop reading my thoughts." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Since you ask for it. I will stop reading your thoughts and by the way your sister is awake."

My eyes widen at the statement made by Taehyung.

I look towards Jennie.

She was fluttering her eyes open.

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