Their Forbidden Love

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Phoenix's POV

For the next 2 weeks, Jisoo was litreally going insane just because she didn't heard from Taehyung.

"Kim fvcking Taehyung. Where in the earth are you in?" Jisoo irritably flopped onto her bed.

"I don't know where you live? I don't know your phone number. I litreally don't know anything about you. Where do I find you." Jisoo said getting into a sitting position.

Then it hit her.

"Wishes! He has to grant me whishes as per our deal." Jisoo said before joining her hands and then closing her eyes.

She looked like a 5 year old having her favourite chocolate right now.

"Kim Taehyung. You have to grant me wishes so appear right infornt of me."

After she said those words, she slowly open her one eye lid, biting her lower as she look around for any signs of Taehyung.

But to her disappointment, she found not even Taehyung's shadow.

"This doesn't work. Then what do I do to call him. Ah!!!!" Jisoo screamed in annoyance, disheveling her hair in the process.

"Wait till I find a way to find you KIM FVCKING TAEHYUNG."


Taehyung's POV

Jisoo's voice was ringing in my ear.

I could hear her asking for a wish but I didn't go to her.

And I don't even know why am I avoiding her?

But since my conversation with Jungkook there is this some kind of feeling that tells me its best to maintain a distance from Taehyung.

Falling in love with her?

I am starting to be afraid now.


Jungkook's POV

Its only a matter of time after Taehyung will accept that he is in love with Kim Jisoo.

Falling in love isn't a crime but their case is different.

Jisoo is a human while Taehyung being a devil from hell.

But thats not even the 0.01% of the problem.

The problem lies in their deal. Their contract.

That deals alone constitutes the 100% of the problem.

Jisoo sold her soul to Taehyung. Selling her soul to a devil litreally means giving half her life to the devil and so Jisoo will die in a few months. She won't be able to live her life, whole.

But there is way to save her life. If Taehyung returns her soul to Jisoo, she will live but the problem is doing so Taehyung will be the one dying.

For one to survive, the other has to die.

And I know what Taehyung will decide.

He loves Jisoo. He will want her to live a long life, happily.

But the question is, will Jisoo be really happy after loosing Taehyung?

I let out a heavy sigh.

Their love is meant to be tragic.


Jisoo's POV

I was standing barefoot on the rooftop.

"Taehyung ah. If you don't come. I will jump from here. I am not lying. Kim fvcking Taehyung, if you don't come, I will freaking kill myself."

I said, still looking around for Taehyung to appear.

"I am jumping Taehyung ah. I-i am really jumping taehyung ah."

I close my eyes.

"1 2 3."

And there I jump off from a 10 storey building.

I will be dead when I make contact with the ground.

Just then, I felt two muscular arms, on my body.

I open my eyes, to find Taehyung holding me.

His black wings spread wide.

I smile.

"I knew you would come to save me."

I said, as I snuggle closer to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"ARE YOU CRAZY KIM JISOO." Taehyung yell.

But i just buried my face against his chest, smiling.



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