The Week

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Phoenix's POV

Day 01

The couple was trying their best to forgot that happened yesterday night and spend the week left in their hand.

"What do you wanna do today jagi?" Taehyung ask his girl back hugging who was cooking.

Jisoo kept the knife she was holding and turn around, encircling his nape.

Taehyung lean in for a kiss.

Jisoo return the kiss.

"Lets go for a simple date today." Jisoo replied.

Taehyung smile and nodded.


Phoenix's POV

"Should we try the new restaurant? That has opened some weeks ago?" Taehyung ask Jisoo.

Jisoo, who had her arms linked with Taehyung, thought for a moment then shook her head as a no.

"Then what do you wanna try?" Taehyung ask, looking lovingly at his love.

"I want to try eating food from stalls." Jisoo said.

Taehyung couldn't help but feel giddy seeing Jisoo excited like a small kid.

"Why are you so cute babe." Taehyung cooed before claiming Jisoo's lips.

"You are whipped cream for me, aren't you." Jisoo tease the guy.

She expected the guy to pout but Taehyung just reveal his boxy smile before nodding as a yes.

"Wah! You are so straightforward." Jisoo blush crimson red.

Taehyung chuckle "Lets go to the stall."


Jisoo's POV

We return home after our date.

"Are you hungry?" I ask Taehyung.

"No. Are you?" Taehyung replied as we lie on the couch, cuddling.

"No. Lets stay like this." Taehyung said, kissing my head.

I snuggle to him, giving his chest a peck.

"Jisoo yah."


"I love you."

I smile.

"I love you too."


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