8-Talking Strategy

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1 day after-

The elite team, Chaos, and Katharos were gathered in the meeting room, getting ready to teleport tot he gods' throne room.

"What are the gods like?" Ben asked, as he has never been to Earth. 

Katharos looked at him. "The last time I was there they were more responsible than when I left them. I've only been in contact with Artemis, Hades, Hestia, and Apollo. I'm not sure about the others. Just think of regular humans that are really old and have substantial power."

Everybody nodded in acceptance to this explanation.

Chaos opened a portal. "Let's see for ourselves." Everybody walked into the portal.

Throne Room (Few minutes before)-

Poseidon was rubbing his head in pain, listening to the racket of the others yelling. The Olympians had decided that everybody would be present for the meeting including campers, Amazons, and hunters.

They had joined the camps into a big one called Camp Olympus. The six of the prophecy had gotten very arrogant and they ruled the camps. The next generation of campers were also very proud, there were about 300. The hunters were next to the throne of Artemis, glaring at any male that got close to them. They had about 100 hunters. The Amazons stood next to their patron Hera's throne, numbering 200. Nico, Thalia, and Reyna, who were all minor gods and goddesses,  had believed the lies that Annabeth had spread around about Percy. She said he was a traitor and cheating on her. When everybody had gathered in the throne room, the campers including the six had started shouting, trying to ask--more like yell why they were summoned.

Poseidon smiled at the thought of his son. He was very proud of him, and the last time they talked was yesterday when Katharos had Iris Messaged him and told Poseidon that they would come to the throne room the next day. 

Poseidon was overjoyed at this, since they hadn't met for 2 weeks in the same space. While he was lost in his thoughts, everybody had quieted down, Zeus was ranting about how nobody gave him respect. Zeus, along with some other gods had gotten very arrogant.

"Poseidon!" He snapped out of his thoughts when Zeus yelled at him.

"Yes brother?" Poseidon kept on rubbing his head.

"Did you hear them? They are yelling at me, demanding to know why they are being summoned."

"Yes I did, brother." Poseidon's headache was getting worse the more he was talking. The people who were yelling lowered their heads in shame.

"Do you think I should give them a second chance?" Zeus raised his bolt. "Or should I smite the ungrateful mortals right where they stand?"

Poseidon shook his head quickly. " Think, brother, if we kill them then we will have less people to fight for us. One thing that Zeus kept from his past personality was him asking Poseidon for advice. Poseidon appreciated it, but he thought Zeus was a bit childish when someone disrespected him.

"Fine." Zeus addressed the full room. "I will give you a second chance with my generosity. Don't disrespect me again."

The campers all bowed their heads. The six were too proud so they just nodded.

"I will now tell you why you were summoned." Zeus lowered his bolt, looking a little sad he couldn't smite someone. Poseidon coughed to cover his laugh, which Zeus didn't notice.

"You all have heard of the creator, Lady Chaos right?." Everybody nodded. "Her brother End, and her sister, Order plan to wage war on us. She is bringing her forces here to help us."

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