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"They're here," 

These two words, technically three, even if they look insignificant, made Katharos very nervous, something he hasn't felt for a long time. After he woke up, he got ready for the battle on Earth. Chaos teleported them to a clearing relatively close to Camp Olympia since the demigods and Chaos' army were still recovering. 

They would be the front force while the two armies including the gods would be backup. Katharos had to admit, it was the perfect spot for an ambush. The main army could be in the clearing, distracting everybody, while several people could be in the forest, waiting to strike from behind. Once Chaos said those three words, his hands tightened on the hilt of his drawn swords. He looked around; he could tell everybody was nervous seeing as their feet couldn't stand still.

There was a very bright flash. Katharos closed his eyes, not wanting to blind himself. While he was blinded, his instincts screamed to lift up his sword. He let his body take over since he couldn't see; a clang of a sword parried was heard. He stabbed at the direction, his sword being stuck in something. A roar was heard. Knowing he was in a battle now, he focused entirely on it, allowing his instincts to guide him.

He slashed, parried and dodged at strikes, mainly defensive since the flash was still bright as when it started. He tried to detect his enemies using the water particles in the air. It felt like he was being blocked from his powers. He tried as hard as he could to try to break it while defensively fighting. Katharos found out he didn't have enough power to stop whoever was blocking him. He tried a different strategy; trying to unblock one power. He knew that he needed  to know where his enemies were, so he tried to unblock his power over water molecules. He focused all of his strength to push the blocking power off it. It worked, but it was so hard that he almost got stabbed. He dropped to the ground, blindly stabbing at where he thought their gut was. 

His sword again got stuck in flesh, presumably. He heard no cry of pain. Katharos figured the figure had mistakenly ducked down, allowing the sword to go into their heart or head. When he finally used his power, he mentally gasped. There were thousands of monsters, hundreds of cloaked figures, Hyperion, whose radiant golden armor was the source of the light, End, and Order. The elite were cornered, desperately slashing without vision. Katharos started moving towards them while fighting. He became a tornado of death, anybody who came in his way would be slain.

The cloaked figures suddenly noticed him. He smirked; he had already killed most of the monsters. Most of the cloaked figures came at him, the only exceptions were four which looked like the leaders. He fought all of them at the same time. He noticed that all of them were masters with swords, which made the battle significantly harder. He twisted a sword out of an enemies grip, stabbing them before they could recover. He then backflipped out of the circle, smashing the hilt of his sword into another. The figure dropped their sword, holding their fingers in pain. He ended the figure quickly. He kicked up some snow to another opponent. The figure flinched, thinking the snow was an attack. While they were distracted he threw a knife at the figure.

He quickly disposed of the whole group using the same tactics. Checking up on the elite again, he sensed they started fighting the remaining monsters and cloaked figures, presumably having gotten used to the light. Chaos was fighting Order, while End was staying back. He shrugged, happy that he can at least sense what was on the battlefield. He ran to where Hyperion was and threw a dagger at the chink of his armor next to his shoulder from behind.

Hyperion turned, yelling at the initial pain. "I will kill you for that, brat!" Hyperion roared. He took out the dagger. Hyperion charged at Katharos at the speed of...well...light with sword that was a blindingly bright yellow gold. Katharos blocked it, grateful that the water molecules could sense stuff faster than his eyes, which made it easy to counter. Attacking? Not so much.

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