Chapter 6

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"So let me get this right. You've been hiding for 12 years in Florida under protection." Gates said, not believing this woman's story.

"Yes, I found out I was in danger and no matter what, Bracken was going to find me. He was an intelligent man and he knew his way around people. So when they sent Coonan to come kill me, I was ready for it. He thought he had killed me but he didn't. Montgomery and I decided to fake my death until whoever did it was caught. But then he died and I didn't know what to do." Gates gave her a look of disbelief. "You can call witness protection. They will clear it up for you."

Gates took the phone and put it up to her ear. She dialed the number for witness protection and they confirmed it. This was Johanna Beckett. Detective Kate Beckett's mom who had 'died' 12 years ago.

"So, Johanna Beckett, you are planning to tell of this to Detective Beckett today?" Gates asked.

"Yes, I want her to be happy."

"Ms. Beckett, I don't want to be rude, but you do know that this could go either good or bad. She is happy right now, she's happily married."

"Yes, I realize that but I want her to know. I'm tired of hiding."

"Okay, have you talked to your husband yet?"

"No, I haven't but he should be here."

"I will call him up. Are you sure you want to do this? Detective Beckett is very stubborn."

"She gets it from me and yes I'm sure."
Jim Beckett made his way down to the precinct. He got into the elevator and rode it up to Homicide. He didn't really like the precinct. It reminded him of his wife.

The doors opened and he walked out. The bullpen was empty and he looked around with confusion in his eyes. He saw Captain Gates wave him into her office.

He stepped into the office and froze.

"Hi, Jim." Johanna said quietly.

"Who is she?" Jim asked looking up at Gates.

"This is Johanna Beckett. Your wife. Detective Beckett's mom." Gate informed him.

"No, that's not possible. She is dead."

"Mr. Beckett, I think you should sit down." Gates said. He closed the door behind him and sat down in the chair next to Johanna.
They arrived back at the precinct a little after two and the boys were still not there. She knit her brows and wondered what was taking them so long. She shrugged it off as she and Castle made there way over to her desk. She sat down and leaned back in her chair.

"Wow, I'm full," Beckett announced. Castle laughed and plopped down into his chair.

The three watched the two love birds through the blinds.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Gates asked again.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Look, Johanna, what ever your name is, she's not going to take this well. I know Katie and her mood changes instantly changes when you talk about you, her mom." Jim told her. He didn't know what to call her. The woman's story made sense but he saw her lifeless body on the slab in the morgue. Both him and Kate did. "Did you know she buried herself in Johanna- your case? Until Castle came along. He helped her get out of the hole. She had walls built up and no one could take them down. Except Castle. He has been with her since day one and she is very very happy in her marriage."

"Yes, I know, okay? I'm just tired of hiding!" Johanna said impatiently.

"Alright, alright, I will tell her to come in."

"Okay, so this is what we have so far. Kendra calls the cops on Wild. He goes away and Nicole goes through a hell hole..." Beckett started.

"She can't stand not seeing her lover so she visits him in prison..."

"She probably used a different name so there wouldn't be any suspicions..."

"He gets out and she gives him 15 grand..."

"He changes his name to John Olsen. But why?" Beckett asked.

"Because he meant something to him? How did he die again?"

"I don't know, Nicole never specified and I never asked. So maybe if we look into his death something will turn up." Beckett turned to her computer, Castle hovering over her again. She stopped typing and he got the jist so he moved back into his chair.

"Detective Beckett, Mr. Castle." Gates called out from her office. Castle and Beckett shared a look and got up to walk into her office.

"Alright, what did he do this- Dad?" Beckett asked and knit her brow in confusion. She looked around the room and saw a woman that looked just like ... No, no, no, she's dead. She has to be, she was stabbed multiple times to the torso.

Beckett reached back for Castles hand. They both stood there staring at the woman in front of them.

"Detective Beckett, this is Johanna Beckett." Gates informed the new comers.

"No, no, that's not possible. She is gone, she's dead, murdered by Bracken. Captain there must be a mistake. This isn't my mother." Beckett was squeezing Castle's hand. She had a really strong grip but he couldn't feel it he was to focused on the woman before him who looked identical to Kate. "Dad?"
{897 words}

A/N: Okay, it's getting a little better. I'll admit.

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