Chapter 16

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"Alright, Katherine, spill," Martha announced as she came down the stairs with Alexis behind her. Kate looked up at them and smiled slightly.

"Well, just a few days ago, Johanna Beckett, my mom, came into the precinct and told us that she was alive this whole time. I was furious and couldn't even think straight. Then she showed up here and wanted to talk to me I guess. We're going out to lunch tomorrow to talk more," Kate said, giving them the short version.

"Wow, I can't imagine how you feel. But, hey, I'm glad she is part of this family now. She will have fun," Martha brought her in for a hug and so did Alexis.

"So, how are you guys handling it?" Alexis asked.

"I'm getting there. Castle and I haven't really talked about it yet," she turned to Castle.

"That's good, we are going to go to bed. Good night, love you both," Alexis said, giving her dad a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Yes, good night, darlings," Martha agreed with Alexis and ascended the stairs.

Once they were up, Kate turned and headed to their bedroom. They got into their pajamas and laid down on their sides of he bed, looking up at the ceiling. Neither of them spoke a word until Kate cuddled up into his side, laying her head on his chest and took a death breath before speaking.

"Did I do the right thing?" her voice soft.

"I think you did. What do you think?"

"I don't know," she paused. "She was hiding for however many years without no one even knowing and there I was broken and sad and boring all the time because I was thinking about her. About how much I missed her and wanted her to meet you, Ryan, Espo, Lanie and all my other friends. I mean I could've kept it a secret, I wouldn't tell anyone that she was alive for 12 years."

"I can't say I know how you feel but maybe it was a good thing. I know tons of bad things have happened to you that have been related to her case but if none of those things happened, she wouldn't of came back. She would've still been living in Florida because it was too dangerous to come back and Bracken would've never got caught. She is here now, Kate, so give her a second chance," he lightly rubbed her arm with his fingertips. She stayed quiet and thought.

Maybe he was right. Maybe it was a good thing that all of those things happened. If none of that happened, they wouldn't be where they were right now. Married, together, in a relationship. Kate would've pushed Castle away and soon enough he would give up on her. She thought a little longer before looking up at him with a small smile on her lips.

"Thank you, Castle," she paused, "for always knowing what to say and being there for me."

"Hey, that's what partners do, Kate. And I am a somewhat famous writer," he grinned down at her. She leaned up and kissed him lightly then placed her head back on his chest.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too, Kate. Always," he whispered back and they both fell asleep.
Kate woke up to the smell of coffee. She opened her eyes slowly, squinting from the morning light. After letting her eyes adjust, she reached out to grab her phone. Espo had texted her saying that they caught the killer and he was behind bars. She set it back down on her nightstand and sat up.

A minute later, she padded out into the living room. Leaning against the door frame to the office and watched Castle cook. He was so cute when he cooked. The way his face scrunched together in concentration. He looked up from the stove and smiled at her.

"Morning beautiful," he greeted. She ducked her head to hide her blush and made her way over to him.

"Morning," she greeted back as she came up from behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I'm making your favorite," she kissed his back lightly.

"I see that, thank you," she left from behind him to pour herself some coffee. He served their food, putting it on a plate and setting it on the counter. Then he turned back around and wrapped his arms around her waist, setting his chin on top of her shoulder. She hummed and leaned back.

"You nervous?" he asked in her ear. She set her mug down and turned in his embrace, sliding her arms up his chest and behind his neck.

"I don't know," she tilted her head.

"Mmm," he hummed before he leaned down to kiss her softly.

"Where's Alexis and Martha?"

"Shopping. Sadly, they will be back later tonight so we don't have the place to ourselves."

"That hasn't stopped us before," she told him, voice low.

"No, no it hasn't," he smiled and leaned down her kiss her again. "Breakfast is getting cold." he pulled away, walking around the counter to sit down. She grabbed her coffee from behind her and sat down next to Castle.

"So, when's your meeting?"

"11:30 and who knows how long. Gina and Paula love to talk." he said with an annoyed face.

"Oh, that sounds fun. Do you even get anything done in those meetings?" she asked taking a bite of her pancake.

"Not enough, all they talk about is their sex lives and their partners and go back and forth about me and Nikki Heat. It is very boring," he tells her.

"You can't get out of them?"

"I've tried that so many times now. Every time I make an excuse to leave they yell at me and tell me it can wait."

"You have some very fun publicists." Kate laughed.

"Oh," he held up the 'okay' sign with his hand, "so much fun." he says sarcastically, getting a laugh from her. "When do you have to leave for your lunch date?"

She looked at the watch around her wrist, "Actually, I should probably get ready right now."

His face dropped, "Awe, I wanted to hang with you more. Maybe cuddle and then a hot make-out session that later leads to something else."

She rolled her eyes, bringing her plate to the sink, "Sounds fun but later."

He gave her a puppy dog face and she kissed it away and disappeared into their bedroom.
{1085 words}

A/N: So Kate just ate breakfast and now she's going out to eat again for lunch? Yeah, okay. That makes a lot of sense *mentally slaps fifteen year old me*.

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