Chapter 7

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"Katie, I don't know what to say. I'm shocked too and in disbelief still but her story makes sense."

"Katie, I know this is hard for yo-"

"Hard for me?! Are you kidding me?! I got shot in the chest and almost died at Montgomery's funeral. I almost fell off a building because of Maddox. They were all related to your stupid case! And how about all the people it took to get to finally get Bracken in jail? I had to go through hell! If wasn't for that assassin girl, Simmons would've killed me! Oh, not to mention, all the stress your stupid case put on me and Dad! Do you know how hard it was after you," she did the bunny ears, "'died'? Dad nearly drank himself to death and I started shutting people out. I could never have a solid relationship because of you. I thought that no one was ever going to be with me because I shut everyone out because of you! I thought you were dead for 12 years and you're not!

Tell me, Johanna Beckett, why would you do that?! Why would you leave your husband that was so in love with you and a daughter that adored you and loved you? I counted on you every time. You were there for me every time. And then when you supposedly 'died' I had nobody. I didn't even have dad! He was too busy chugged down the tequila! Not to mention, all the hours I stayed up re-reading your case file over and over and over again. I became a cop because of you so I could find peace somehow but all it did was make walls build up!" By the time she was done almost everyone in the precinct had there eyes fixed onto the office. And Beckett and Jim and Johanna had tears running down their checks.

"Katie, I'm sorry. Okay? I never meant to hurt you or dad. I did it because I loved you both. I know that it was a bad idea to fake my death but it was for the best."

"It was for the best to leave your daughter and husband for 12 whole years? We got Bracken 2 years ago! And where were you? He was gone but you waited two more years?!" Castle squeezed her hand a little and she squeezed it back.

"Katie, I'm sorry. I want to make it up to you, by being here for the rest of your lif-"

"No," Beckett cut her off sternly. "No, I can't do this. Not here. I'm going home, tell Espo and Ryan to text me any leads." She let go of Castle's hand and left the room.

"Look, I don't know if you are who you say you are but if this is joke, you better get the next flight out of here. We all have seen enough happen to her over the years." Castle told the woman before he ran after Kate. She was at the elevator waiting for the doors to open.

They watched him step in front of her and pick up her chin so she was looking at him. He took the pads of his thumbs to wipe the tears from her face. He kissed her forehead and pulled her in for a hug.

Castle looked up to over where the office was and then buried his head into her neck. They heard a ding and walked in, hugging once more until the doors closed.

"He really cares about her," Johanna said.

"More than you know. They've been together for 8 years, 3 of which were in a relationship. It started when he came in for a case to research for one of his Nikki Heat books," Jim chuckled, "I remember she used to call me and tell me that he was so annoying and she wanted to shoot him half the time they were together. And now they can't keep there hands off of each other."

"I'm so sorry Jim," Johanna turned to him. "I shouldn't have left for so long. I missed you two so much. Not a day went by that I didn't think about you, how you were doing. I'm such a bad mother and a wife. I can't even imagine how you felt."

"Hey, you're a wonderful mother and a wife. You were protecting your family, I get it."

"Yeah, but my death has caused so much issues. She almost died Jim. Because of me! Twice!" Johanna dropped her head.

"Jo, we will make this work, okay? She may not forgive you now but if you give her space and time and you sit down and talk with her she will eventually forgive you." Johanna walked over to Jim and hugged him. Damn, did he miss her hugs. The smell of her hair. Her. "Are you staying somewhere?"

"No, I just got here when I got in here."

"You can stay with me for awhile then."

"Thank you Captain Gates." Johanna said and the two made their way out the door.
{845 words}

A/N: Wow, intense.

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