Chapter 14

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"Johanna?" Jim called out as he stepped into his house with grocery bags in his hands.

He heard no response and got worried. Quickly walking into the kitchen, he set the bags down and saw a note taped to the fridge. It was addressed to him and from his wife.


Don't worry, I didn't leave. I'm just tired of not explaining everything to Katie. I need to talk to her and I just can't wait any longer. I know she needs space but I need to do it now. It will make me feel better.

So, I will be at her place. Call me when you get this.


"Hey, got your letter," Jim greeted on the phone.

"Hi, good. Um, I'm in her loft. Rick's mother let me in."

"That's good. I hope this works Jo. I hope she will listen to you and somewhat forgive you," Jim told her.

"Yeah, me too. I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye," Jim hung up the phone and started to unpack all of the groceries.
"What are you thinking about?" Rick asked. She shook her head lightly, and looked at him.

"The case," he was about to say something until she continued, "who could've killed Kendra? The one person that has motive is dead and her sister didn't do it because she has an air tight alibi."

"We actually never checked into Nicole's alibi, so there's a chance. But anyways, Kate, Espo and Ryan have got this okay? Let's not think about the case right now," he took her hand in his. The waiter came back with their bill, handing it to Castle and he stuck his credit card in the little book and handed it back. Then turned his gaze back to Kate, "Let's try and have a conversation about something else, like," he thought for a minute. "I don't know, I'm just trying to get you to not think about the case or your mom."

She chuckled, "It's fine. Would you want more kids in the future?"

"What? Where did that come from?" he asks, wide eyed. They'd never really talked much about kids.

"I was just trying to start a conversation, get my mind of things," she tells him.

"Oh, right. To answer your question then, yes, I would definitely want more kids. Especially with you," he smirked at her.

"Good, me too. Just not right now, though. Not until we settle things with my mom, then we can start trying," she gave him a light smile. The waiter came back with his card. Rick and Kate got up from the table and headed for the door.

Once they were on the streets, Castle spoke, "So you want to start trying to have kids?"

She looked up at him and took his hand in hers, "Yes, yes I do."

He stopped them, putting his hand on her cheek and leaning down to kiss her softly, "We should start thinking of names," he smiled as he pulled away and started walking again. "Oh and start planning the nursery!"

She laughed and rolled her eyes, "Don't get too excited. I can change my mind."

"What?" he stopped again. She started to smile and he relaxed, "You're such a tease."

She did her signature smile, tongue between the teeth, "I know."

They walked their way back to the loft slowly, enjoying the scenery and the people around them. He opened the door and walked in with Kate behind him.

"Oh, Richard, Katherine. You have a visitor!" Martha greeted, holding her arm out towards the kitchen where Johanna Beckett sit, sipping out of her coffee.
{601 words}

A/N: Woofta! Thank you Johanna Beckett for being at the loft!

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