Chapter 17

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"And you're sure we shouldn't come with you?"

"Yeah, you and Harry both got lectures and Louis for sure doesn't wanna come with me." Liam was reassuring Niall for the 1000th time that he would be fine going to the phone store by himself.

And finally after Liam could convince Niall that he would go alone, he made his way to the shop. It was just a few streets away so he had decided to walk.

The air was fresh and a cold breeze was blowing through the streets.
Liam shivered and clenched his fists in the pockets of his jacket. One hand clutching onto his phone.

As he finally arrived his heart was pounding like mad.

After he had explained what had happened with the phone, the man said that he could fix it in approximately 20 minutes, so Liam stayed and waited.

Finally, after he had received the now functioning phone and paid, he made his way back home. He walked very fast because it was freezing.
On one hand he really wanted to look at it but on the other he really didn't want to.
He hadn't used his phone for extremely long now so a lot would be on it.

He finally arrived and walked to his room fast.
Then he slowly typed his password into the phone.

199 Twitter notifications
78 Instagram notifications
148 Calls
5 Voicemails
411 Whatsapp messages

The Twitter and Instagram notifications were all mentions and tags from god knows who, sending their condolences to Liam.

12 of the calls from Niall, Harry or Louis a day after the accident.
50 from his family,
and the remaining one's were from Zayn.

Tears were already glistening in his eyes as he thought about what would've happened if he could've talked to Zayn directly before the crash.
He wouldn't have died alone.

The messages were also mostly from his mom, who was probably worrying to death since Liam didn't pick up his phone.
And the rest was again from Zayn, but Liam didn't dare to click onto the chat, he was too scared.

The voicemails were the most terrifying thing.
Because they were from him.
Directly before the crash.
What he had spoken, knowing that he will die any second.

With trembling fingers, Liam clicked onto the last one. Immediately Zayn's quiet, shaking voice could be heard in mid of a lot of screaming, shouting and noise.

How much Liam missed his voice, but this wasn't the way he wanted to hear it again.

"Liam, I hope you will get this. It's the last thing I can give to you. We won't make it, babe. We are...falling. We are the ocean and we are too fast to survive. I wish to see you smile once again but promise me that you will always...lighten the world up with your smile even if I'm gone. Stay as you are because you are perfect...."
A scream interrupted Zayn but he tried to continue, now whispering.
"We are close to hit the water. I just wanted to"

And with that the connection broke, they had crashed.

Liam couldn't control himself anymore. It felt like when he had gotten the news, his heart shattered into millions of pieces, the shards cutting him.

How much Liam wanted to die right now.
How much he wanted to go to Zayn, where he belonged.
How much he wanted to hug him forever, never letting him go again.
How much he wanted to apologize to him that he had let him go.

Liam was completely in a trance again. And always as he was in that trance he felt the urge to just make everything end. To make himself pass out because of the blood loss as a result of the thing he had done so many times the last couple of days.
It was pathetic, he knew it, but it was feeling...relieving.

Thankfully, before he could do anything the door bell rang.
Liam stayed on his bed, the phone still in his hands, full of tears.

But as the person outside didn't seem to stop ringing, Liam dried his tears with his sleeve and slowly walked to the front door.

Before he could really see who it was, someone was already hugging him tightly.
It was a motherly hug.

"Oh god, you have no idea how worried I was. I'm so sorry for what has happened baby." His mom cried and hugged her son.

She then passed her thumb over Liam's cheek, which was still tear-stained.
"God, look horrible."

In fact, Liam really looked horrible. His eyes were red from the crying, his cheeks still wet from the tears and big, dark circles below his eyes had appeared as a result of the sleepless nights.

Within the next hour she made them tea, looked at Liam worriedly and tried to talk to him.
But Liam was just sitting there like a picture of misery.
There was probably nothing left of the happy, smiling son she once had.

"I should get on the train soon...don't you wanna come with me? It will be good for you to come home again, please."
But Liam just shook his head and said that he was fine.

But as every single person and especially a mother could see, Liam was far from fine. He was the exact opposite.

She just sighed and hugged Liam again, promising that she would visit again as soon as possible.

Before she could leave, Niall came into the flat and was greeted with a friendly hug from Karen.

She then pulled him out of the door and whispered: "You have to promise me that you will look after Liam. Please don't let this get any worse than it is already." She looked quite heartbroken with a pleading look in her eyes.
Niall assured that he will take care of him and said his goodbyes to her.

He then entered the flat. Liam was still sitting on the couch. He looked rather creepy, since he didn't even move his eyelids.
And as he sat there not moving tears were running down his cheeks endlessly and it broke Niall's heart.

He had to do something, but what?

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