Chapter 20

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Just after Niall, Louis and Harry had stopped at Starbuck's and got themselves and Liam something to snack, they sat back into their car, as all of their phones buzzed in a span of 2 minutes.

With a puzzled look on their faces the three lads opened the message they had gotten.

Well, every one of them had a little personal note and a "I love u mate".
And it was very concerning since the message came from Liam and Liam had never said anything like that. He was more reserved and showed his love with a hug.

"Fuck...Harry drive!" Was everything Louis said and Harry stepped on the gas.

In a matter of minutes they arrived in the parking garage and hurried up to the flat.

With jittery fingers, Harry opened the door with the spare key and the three boys could finally enter.

Liam was laying on the couch, wrapped up in the big, cozy blanket.
Louis saw the medicine and the empty glass of water next to his friend. His eyes widened and he stepped closer to Liam.

He then tried to wake him up, without success, Liam seemed to be sleeping as the Sleeping Beauty.

"Oh my-" Harry was staring at the pack of sleep aids, which was half way empty. Next to it there were laying a few pain killers.

"He doesn't wake up!" Liam screamed high-pitched.

"Please don't tell me he took all of these?!" Niall screamed, as Louis glanced over to the package his eyes widened.

"We bought that today.." Was all Harry managed to say while Louis was again shaking Liam and yelling at him to wake up.

Niall was now again crying and all of them were completely hectic and hysterical.

"Call 911! Please." Louis chocked out as Liam still didn't show any movement or sign to wake up.

Harry called 911 and after explaining what had happened to the operator they waited for the ambulance to arrive.

"Please wake up Li, we need you!" Niall was squeezing his hand, hoping he would wake up. But he didn't until the ambulance arrived and he didn't wake up any time later.

After making the first quick examination, they hurried to get to the hospital.
An overdose was extremely dangerous, especially at this level.

They decided that Louis would drive with him in the ambulance and the other two would follow by car.
Finally, the ambulance drove off, rushing with lights flashing and sirens screaming.

After the ambulance had arrived it was detected, that Liam had a high risk to have a seizure. Meaning that the substance had already gone further into his system.
As a result of that, they had to pump his stomach. Liam was set under general anesthesia for the procedure which would take around 45 minutes.

After half an hour of waiting nervously, a female doctor finally came up to the boys.
"And? How is he? Is he okay? Did he make it? How-"
Louis shut up after Harry squeezed his thigh, indicating him to stop talking.

"Good evening, my name's doctor Lindone. You must be here for Mr. Payne?"
As the boys nodded, she continued talking. "As he arrived with the ambulance his condition seemed critical. We now had to perform Gastric Suction, meaning his stomach had been pumped.
He is still under anesthesia but he will most likely wake up soon. His room is 322, just around the corner. If you'll excuse me I have to leave. Good luck with your friend."

She smiled at them sympathetically and disappeared around the corner.

The boys then made their way to room 322. As they came in, Liam still had his eyes closed, probably still sleeping.
It looked scary, all those weird cables and tubes and that monitor with the beeping heart beat. It looked like in every other movie, but unfortunately this wasn't a movie. It was bloody reality.

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